
Oh but they CAN take their billions of dollars of stock, use it to take out millions of dollars in loans every year, draw a 100,000 salary, use salary to pay theinterest, deduct the interest from their taxable income, and pay zero in taxes.

An easy answer in policy terms? A Billion dollars.

It’s yet another testament to how light-years ahead of its time Star Wars the movie was aesthetically compared to every other piece of sci-fi fantasy at the time except for 2001: A Space Odyssey.

If a character is meant to look animated (i.e. clearly not a “real” character, say Pixar characters), then facial animations (and designs, and vocalizations) SHOULD BE EXAGGERATED.

You know what, I’m changing my stance on Johnson’s Black Adam antics.

Solar powered heat pump water heaters. Cool the air and remove humidity while warming water for showers, while providing shade.

Yeah, I think, just like my point about Burton slumming it, the show loses its identity by dumbing itself down to what the “genre*” has turned into ever since Addams Family/Beetlejuice came out.

Burton doing Wednesday seemed like him slumming it so much... similarly to when Spielberg did Ready Player One... getting hired to direct something someone else did that was kind of an homage to a style they themselves popularized.

but one of them is literally the child of a death watch leader (and is played by the same actor).

Used to see both of them here in SoCal about 5 years ago, but luckily I don’t recall having seen any black widows in the last year or two. Perimeter of the house is still riddled with brown widows as soon as the sun goes down, though.

I’m starting to tire of the constant need to have to kill indigenous creatures (sentient or otherwise) as a need to add the obligatory creature feature setpiece into every episode.

They seem to have left out the most relevant credits: he shot Iron Man and Iron Man 2, from the era when MCU movies still had some saturation and contrast.

The tone of all the Star Wars live action shows so far with the exception of Andor hew very closely to Filoni’s style, and it’s pretty clear they’ve been using him as the main touchstone for all the live action shows so far (again, with the exception of Andor), more than, say, Lucas or JJ Abrams.

For what it’s worth, Filoni executed Lucas’ thesis for the prequels much better than Lucas ever did, and in many ways validating and rescuing Lucas’ work, not by throwing everything George did in the prequels out, but by fleshing the characters and plots out enough that the arcs made much more sense.

I’ll agree with you that it’s a feature, not a bug; I really liked the concept of something more like a spaghetti western about a bounty hunter (and was probably high on fans’ lists of “you know what would be a good Star Wars show...) ... something that doesn’t need a lot of really eloquent dialogue, but could use the

I hate to say it, cause I really appreciate the effort and heart that Filoni has put into back into Star Wars, but his style is now really holding the non-Andor live action Star Wars shows, especially The Mandalorian, which, as far as I was concerned, was a Jon Favreau creation.

This. It’s like saying nobody will attend the superbowl because you can just watch it on TV. Or go to Coachella because it’s livestreamed on YouTube.

A reminder that the original novel is about a white man’s paranoia of black people taking over their town, and terrorizing them for it.

I was dubious about this mainly because I was concerned about the upgrade costs (first to get it, and then to upgrade it in the future), but two things have swayed me:

FWIW the comics sales in the 90s weren’t from actual people buying them, much less read them. And IIRC the sales figures were based on what the STORES ordered off the distributors, not what was ever actually sold to consumers. That’s why you see so many X-Men #1s and X-Force #1s in pristine condition, many of them