
So you’re telling me that if we just stopped billionaires from acquiring more wealth, they would stop making thousand dollar phones that break every year? Sign me up!

I desperately need it to be more adult than everything D+ has done so far. I don’t NEED it to be as dark as Netflix, but almost everything we’ve seen so far is in the “soft PG-13" range, with the exception of a tiny smatterings of the S-word and some heavy and generally off-screen beatings (Falcon and Winter Soldier

That isn’t necessarily true if he starts getting into margin call territory, but I don’t think we’re disagreeing here.

As is painfully obvious, a $10B loss won’t affect someone of Musk’s worth because you literally cannot live a lifestyle that can be adversely affected by any changes to your net worth once you’re past, like, several dozen million dollars.

I loved my ipod touch; It came free with my iMac, and those two were the first apple devices I owned. I used the touch primarily as a web browsing device and gaming device, never having had a dedicated mobile gaming device nor smartphone up until that point (as far as a media player goes, I was used to non-apple

Todd McFarlane finally gets his Spawn sequel!

Exactly. Spectator mode already exists for many multiplayer games, they just need to make it so it’s built into a streaming service without the need for a viewer to have any extra software installed on their end.

I’m positive we’ll get to this point at some point in the near-ish future but I don’t think this’ll be the technology to do it, since it seems really hacky and limiting.

In college I was reading X-Men from the very beginning and you could see how the series was floundering right before he showed up... and even from the beginning you could tell Kirby wasn’t all that interested in the book like he was with FF.

There is no person post-Golden Age that was as ahead of their time and in-tune with the future of comics as Adams was.

you just get the sense that the scope it going to dwarf all of these other films

I never like to see products fail, and especially when people paid money up front. It seems more like the people who paid for it are putting extra effort (and money) towards supporting the platform as it develops, which is a perfectly fine thing to spend your money on, but, as you said, I am not that type of person. I

That’s literally what anybody who makes any type of judgment on any product that they haven’t literally held and used with their hands does: they think about what they expect to get from the product based on first impressions, see what the product ACTUALLY does, at what cost, and then talk about whether that product

This screams somebody’s cute hobby project and maybe some type of open-source thing but absolutely does NOT seem like a viable product at all, and especially not for $179. I seriously thought that crank was to charge it, and the black and white screen was e-ink so it could last forever on a cranked charge and have

I think he would’ve pulled off the grizzly look pretty well but he DOES look a little too old when compared to the rest of the Justice League (if you were expecting that franchise and cast to have continued, I mean), although it’s ironic because even though Affleck was the right age, he actually looked a little TOO

I gotta be honest, I MIGHT have found this movie shocking and clever but I missed it by a few years and I had seen a decade’s worth of South Park by that point (where by then half of the episodes were based around similar meta-conceits of tired cultural elements actually being a cover-up for some over-the-top

You’re gonna pay around double for a dumb TV, and they lack a lot of other features that come standard on TVs now. That Samsung and Sceptre you linked don’t have HDR, for example. The ad revenue subsidizes the cost of the smart TV.

I’m just not that interested in another hero whose power is just that they fight pretty well. The universe is now full of really good fighters, but almost all of them have some other gimmick (like perfect aim, or, uh, espionage skills I guess). Echo seems to have nothing else, except for a disability, and it doesn’t

My 10.5 inch iPad Pro is still rocking great, and I was surprised when I remembered it’s almost 5 years old. My previous tablet was a 2013 iPad mini and my daughter still uses it to play games. They really are built to f’ing last; I don’t see myself sensibly replacing it for at least another year, which sadly means I

My immediate impression upon watching Eternals was that it felt like one of those movies they release that’s a condensed and bigger-budgeted version of a season of an anime TV show (like the Gundam movies or Macross Do You Remember Love), where it just BARELY makes sense as a movie, and is still really meant more like