
Cena and Dave Bautista are both infinitely better actors than Dwayne Johnson. I don’t need any of these three guys to be anything more than giant tough guys or sendups of giant tough guys, and Cena and Bautista consistently hit the mark.

I’m excited for it but it’s definitely a problem that he’s a character archetype that’s been explored a lot in the MCU. I’m thinking a cross between Drax and Vision (who had a very similar origin). 

Someone on here years ago taught me to use dish soap on our tub, and it totally melted the soap scum and mildew that I had been trying to tackle with a power drill brush attachment (still unsuccessfully!) or hard scrubbing with a magic eraser. Dawn on a wet soft sponge worked much better.

As a broke youngun I was all about craigslist, both selling things AND buying things and taking free things.

While it can certainly be an act, media personalities (especially older ones) LOVE not being up on technology, especially if they didn’t need to learn it as part of their ascent. The type of personality that can survive becoming an on-screen celebrity (narcisstic, delusional, and oblivious) are the same type that very

I mean of COURSE I’ll get it, but I played through the first Tomb Raider game and found the tone to be such a downer that I just couldn’t have fun with it (and certainly makes the tomb raiding part of it seem incongruous). Are the latter games more lighthearted?

I just think they cornered themselves from a branding perspective if they want to do more mature stuff, when they had a perfectly strong brand to take advantage of. Like, they say Deadpool 3 will be rated R, but I don’t see them putting that on Disney+. At best they’d put it behind a wall, but to me that’s what

I think it was a mistake for Disney to not strongly draw a line to begin with between its family fare (aka Disney stuff plus the mainstream MCU stuff) and its more mature stuff, by shuffling it to Hulu. They already made the connection with their FX network, and, as you said, the handful of Marvel shows that ended up

This is a cliche question, but we’re moving into a new neighborhood with mostly older (white and Christian) people who are a bit more conservative than us, but are also very friendly and outgoing. We’d like to consider a small holiday gift to start things off on the right foot (but also doesn’t go so far to make it an

I liked clone wars and was glad to watch most of it while it was being released, but I missed Rebels’ original run and tried to binge it just to give me more context for the new shows and movies, and I just couldn’t do it. Both it and Clone Wars have so many episodes, and no matter how heavy some of the plot is,

The beard suits him because, honestly, he’s starting to develop jowls (I thought he looked really awkward clean shaven in the new Bill and Ted). But I would’ve been interested in seeing short-haired Neo with the scruff. We haven’t seen Keanu do that combo yet.

I think that’s when the other Spider-Men show up and maybe part of the theme is how these guys don’t have to keep carrying their burden/responsibility alone.

I agree. I get a gentle transition but I don’t understand the hate. Everyone has Micro USB cables, and most of the devices they’re complaining about don’t need blazing fast speeds or charging times.

DS9 is my favorite ST cause it’s the darkest (Abramverse notwithstanding). This episode is my favorite ST episode of all (more than those other ones, you know the ones that get brought up). Jadzia in the minidress is icing on the icing.

A funny thing I noticed is that I have a very similar, visceral negative reaction to seeing new real-life footage of maskless crowds now (like people going back to concerts or Halloween parties) as I do seeing people wearing masks or acknowledging the pandemic in fictional media.

Genuine question: You had this pandemic/epidemic/plague fetish before Covid, right? Has your relationship to the genre changed as a result of what’s actually happened in the last two years?

We all have our different tolerance points. My personal line is, I’m okay rewatching things I’ve seen of them in the past, but I’ll think long and hard about watching any new things that they make since then. It’s an arbitrary line, but then again everything is.

I desperately wanted to like both Hot Fuzz and World’s End and I’m not gonna fault others for doing so. I think Pegg and Frost’s chemistry and the characters they played in Shaun was perfect and effortless, playing to their strengths, and while I appreciate them trying something different in the next two films, I felt

I’ll say it, I haven’t seen Baby Driver, but after Shaun of the Dead, which I consider a masterpiece, each of his films since have been some type of disappointment, with Scott Pilgrim being unbearable for me (a red flag type film, if you will), despite squarely being aimed at my demographic.

Captain Marvel trailer mashup incoming.