
There continues to be a VERY limited target audience for people who absolutely need a fancy ass camera on their phone while also sacrificing the actual quality of the phone experience itself, which is why this will once again never take off in a way that Sony would need it to.

MacOs has the ubiquitous menu/status bar up top anyway unless you’ve got apps in full full screen (when the menu bar hides at the top) which I don’t think most people use except for when watching videos or playing games. For videos, most videos are wider aspect than the screen, so the notch will disappear in black.

Huh, you’re right. I never really considered the size of the 6 since it didn’t have the telephoto. But the pro is still half an inch taller and a quarter of an inch wider than my current Galaxy S10, which to me is the perfect size.

I saw somewhere a price of >1000 for the Pro, which immediately killed my excitement for it. At 900 it’s much more palatable, and hoping for some sales in the next few months. I’ll still need to see it in person to see if it’s too big for me though. The regular 6 would’ve been perfect if it had just come with a telepho

They did their best for a bad situation (well, aside from just ignoring it, which probably would’ve been better), but obviously they only did it because they had to recast. I bet you whatever reason they come up with in the movie will hew closer to the awkward reasoning they used for the Oracle, because you know if

I’d be interested in that, especially since I’m not into NPH being a real threat. As it is, unless there’s really a grand scheme here to bring back Fishburne in subsequent sequels, the decision to not ask him back at all for Resurrections comes across as only a professional falling-out, and the decision to recast him

Can’t attest to the truth of that, but I have to assume it’s something similar. These movies are mostly aimed for the foreign market (where, sometimes, these movies can still get theatrical release) based on his name alone. I think a lot of these movies are produced by the same people now, so they’re people Bruce

Were you filled with mellon collie and infinite sadness?

Hypercompetence is one symptom of the problem, though it’s a major one because it’s what unimaginative writers do to make sure the female character doesn’t look lesser than the men. But instead it makes them boring.

The What Ifs have been convoluted in the actual “What If” scenario their titles posit, with that episode being the most convoluted one. Ideally the “What If” episode title should be fairly representative of the actual splitting point of their alternate timeline. “What if Kilmonger rescued Tony” and “What if Ultron

I agree. There’s this trepidation especially in big-budget tentpoles to make female characters hyper-competent and generally fault-free (if they have a fault, it’s that they’re TOO good at their job), so as to seem feminist, but then they play second fiddle to a goofier, less competent male protagonist. And I say that

Oops I meant to comment to NikoP, not you OP, to whom I agree (though I agree with NikoP that there SHOULD be a way to buy it without a keyboard)

Yeah, the Hope character just hasn’t been particularly well-written; or, more specifically, she SHOULD be MUCH better written: she’s infinitely more capable than Scott Lang, and she’s the daughter of Hank and Janet. The story is about HER and her ascendance to lead the Pym Particle arm of the MCU with Scott as her

I agree with you that there should be a way to buy the Surface Pro just as a tablet; at the very least, it gives you 3rd party options and (hopefully) the accessories will be compatible across generations.

I first knew him from the 1990s trading cards too, and I remember his power ratings as well :)

He’s got a serious Messiah complex, having been genetically engineered as a perfect being (kinda like Leeloo in The Fifth Element!) and then having an evil future version (Magus) that led an evil religious cult. He’s an extremely serious and somber character whose character arc is kind of grappling with the

The 80s New Mutants characters’ names (created by Claremont/Sienckiewicz) were INSPIRED by Adam Warlock/The Magus, who were characters that came out in the late 60s and further developed by Jim Starlin in the early 70s (especially with Magus, they were inspired by the prominence of religious cults), but that had

Grand Theft Autogyro

I have similar conflicting feelings. Far Cry 3 was a culmination of what I’d wanted from so many AAA games but didn’t get in one whole package (CoD didn’t do it, GTA was too open and vehicle based, Half Life was stuck in limbo) that I felt so satisfied playing it. It was like finally finding that Vegas buffet that had

It looks like there’s a postprocessing effect that adds an oil-painting style that gives a brushstroke texture and blurs the edges of objects (you can see it in the planks on the bottom right, the new version clearly shows polygon edges for the individual planks, but in the old version you might’ve thought it was just