
I was literally looking at that case yesterday, and was wondering how long it's lasted you so far, and if it really is as slim as it looks. I just want a really slim case that will prevent the iPhone5's scratching on the bevels, that keeps the bulk as minimal as possible.

The point is to highlight ANY accomplishments, and if you need to be flowery about it, that's fine. Honestly given the job climate right now you're competing with hundreds of applicants and they need to have something to remember you by. If you worked at a company talk about one of the projects you were involved with,

The toilet in our apartment just will not stay clean (gross, I know, hear me out). As though the ceramic isn't smooth anymore, and necessitates cleaning after two days of light-to-normal use (there's only two of us in the apartment). Is there a fix for this?

Chris Hemsworth would KILL (or not) to have Nightwing's physique in the image above. That's the difference. When you start getting into "wrestler" physique territory that's when you start leaving the average woman's tastes... at this point I'd say only The Rock would fit into most women's fantasies but that has more

There's a definite fear of that, and given the rumored output of films from Disney odds are at least half of the films will be way more kid-friendly, but Disney doesn't put a blanket "no violence" policy on everything. They own Pirates of the Carribean and the new Marvel movies. I don't think anyone ever realistically

Yeah but in both cases you can still pay money to get yourself in on the action.

Sorry, I was responding to your first comment that seemed to imply that piracy was less harmful to indie games than they were to major titles, or at least that in the interest of "[making] a new fan" then it's not nearly as harmful. That's what reviews and demos are for, or even the occasional sale (for example most

What if there's no way for you to measure the distance between you and the large object? The larger it is the farther away you are, the greater margin of error.

I'm looking for a way to watch shows on Hulu and HBOGo on my TV without hooking up my MBP to the TV. Is this something I can work up using the Pi?

You're assuming that company would still be around to make a second product. If they don't sell enough of the first product because it was pirated so much, they won't have enough capital to start on the next project (the company could already be millions in the hole and going on years of not having income just to

This DOES mean that if I'm not in LTE range it'll still work in 3g right? No Edge or whatever bullshit

The OP is applying a double standard on Windows Blue in that since it doesn't look all that different he considers it unfair to consider it a new OS versus a system update, but OSX releases have been just as incremental updates as this.

The main one I was taught in film school is it never looks good to cut someone's chin off (the top of the head is fine)

I wonder if the breakdown is different among females versus males. The boys pretty much spread themselves out among the other three depending on their individual ideals (the leader with the swords, the hardass, or the smart one), which is how I ended up gravitating towards Michaelangelo, who, even in retrospect, I

What, I picked Mikey because I thought people hated HIM the most!

Just tap square to cancel the bow in FC3 no? I know because it took me forever to understand how the bow worked too (also didn't help that i kept trying to fire it at the doctor's house, where you can't fire any weapons)

Lara's a good looking girl, why deny her a selfie every now and then?

I will say, I agree in general about the "tis better to have loved and lost," blah blah blah, but I think BeerBear has a very real concern that I share with them: if this is something you've never felt before and came about in a quickly in a moment of emotional openness, there is a very distinct chance that you're

In OSX, is there a way to make a hidden and or encrypted volume of an external drive that only I could see and manipulate? I have a 500gb external drive that I use at work to shuttle files to others but it's got enough space I'd also like to use it to keep a backup of my current documents, but in a way that others

Good to know.