
Alright, they heard your demands, and they've started working on WC4. Should be ready in a few months!

Sadly it's less about the requirements of the job and more with just culling the flood of applicants they get, which given the economy, makes it hard to manage that many applicants. As an HR person filling an entry level, low-paying position, you obviously want the best person for the job, but you also don't want to

As a freelancer I've had to turn down many jobs, especially recently, as I get bigger and bigger clients with bigger projects. I turned one down this morning as a matter of fact.

Reminds me of the 90's when my middle school friends in suburban New Jersey would chain their wallets to their Jncos so no one would take their junk.

You're right that it's all there in the EULA so it's nice and legal but to say that it's perfectly analogous to your NES and your cartridges is silly; you're right, when Nintendo stops manufacturing the NES then your games are only as good as your hardware lasts... but assuming you keep your old analog TV and NES in

Obligatory crude comment: If it's a lady performing it, please perform five blows to the front (and someone video tape it cause I'll probably end up unconscious.)

Sorry about your wife man.

More specifically, it should be "but then," The Michael Corleone line makes for a good synopsis of a story's setup, but a story would be "Michael was never meant to take over the family business, but then someone tried to kill his dad and started threatening his family."

Do you have a moral problem with people who pirate content that IS available for them to obtain? People in the US or Japan, for example? How about pirating content that hasn't been released yet, but will eventually? I'm willing to bet the majority of media piracy are from and by people who have access to legal ways of

So you're saying even when the entertainment is easily available in that country there will still be rampant piracy? So what impact will entertainment being made easily available actually do to curb piracy?

Yeah too bad there's no source of entertainment in China, like a thriving movie industry and thousands upon thousands of years of culture.

If you don't have the means to live in a world where you can't poop on a flushing toilet, THEN you're in a third world country. If you can't poop in your toilet while playing Tomb Raider on your laptop because it hasn't been released in your region, you do NOT live in a third world country.

I feel this way for keyboards definitely. a little unwieldy for laptops, but I can't not have one on a desk.

I agree with all of these statements (I'm on my second play through, this time only using the bow and the knife, and the various explosives, no other guns unless dictated by the mission). But am I the only one that was disappointed by the shark hunting? Maybe I'm missing some gameplay mechanic I don't know, but isn't

I'm shocked it took me this long to discover Goodsync. I have 3 computers that I try to keep synced up as identically as possible (an iMac and a Hackintosh at work, and a MBP at home) that were all borne from the same time machine backup.

Playstation's never been about innovative controls like Nintendo is, though (and quite frankly as much as I appreciate Nintendo's commitment to this I still don't think they've gotten it right on any of their controllers. Each new one presents a new problem). Xbox is still only on its 2nd iteration and the first time

This is my main non-ending gripe in general about ME3. When the story starts with EARTH GETTING INDEPENDENCE-DAYED, you're effectively removing any possible thematic gameplay reason to do sidequests. You'd think in real life you'd focus only on getting the various races buddied up with you and getting the fuck back to

You were absolutely not the only one.

I got my iMac in the summer of 2008 and I have yet to do a complete reinstall of OSX. In that time my data went from the iMac to a MBP and to a Hackintosh and another iMac (the MBP, Hackintosh, and iMac are all running concurrently), from Leopard to Snow Leopard to Mountain Lion (skipped Lion). It runs well ENOUGH

As I said to the other commenter, when I give 50 dollars to NPR I think they'd still call it a donation to a fundraiser instead of a purchase, even though I'm guaranteed to get a tote bag out of it. I would say the distinction is that your reward may or may not be directly purchasing the item the kickstarter is meant