I believe most people don't know how Google is able to offer “free” e-mail.
I believe most people don't know how Google is able to offer “free” e-mail.
I think a lot of people would take issue in believing that they have already purchased a device, and so the manufacturer is wrong in squeezing more money beyond the sale.
As the Next Web points out, the iOS version of Signal has a similar problem to the Android app; however, a UI quirk means it can’t be exploited in quite the same way.
“How to Hack Your Child’s Behavior So You Can Go Back to Reading Facebook, As Fast As Possible”
Intel i5-3570K and GTX 660Ti still great for 1080p medium settings gaming for AAA titles, and high settings for MOBAs. I’m going back to AMD for next year’s new build.
Tobacco Companies = Vape Companies; their primary interest is in getting you hooked. Tobacco companies straight out lied about the negative health effects of their products on its users. Vape companies don’t lie, they just don’t tell you the whole truth - they cloak it as “harm reduction”, or as a way to “wean/control”…
“...flu-like illness called Pontiac fever. “
“We’re a little busy here.”
I guess all FireTV-only households will be watching The Mandalorian on Plex/TerrariumTV.
Official Statement: “Rogue contractors are responsible for this.”
Not to mention, doing an occasional live fire exercise on bad mouthing, US economic interest getter-in-the-way, people killing, threat making, dictators/terrorists/beret-and-camo-pants-wearing person/s.
Yes, any flaw in security protocols could potentially lead to user data being exposed. More likely though (for the average user) , security flaws are often used to procure and maintain access to the device for purposes of financial gain by bad actors. Financial gain can be more readily had through selling of botnet…
Damn, couldn’t watch Kramer here without hearing... “...statue of limit....n,n,n,n,n,n,n...” in my head.
Greedy AF.
This year’s dish of the summer is literally steak au dashboard.
If something doesn’t look right when done, cover it in sauce/glaze. Done!
“Drain the swamp!”
Any good firewall software will allow you to redirect all outgoing port 53 & 853 requests to a DNS server of your choosing, even if the host is configured to use external DNS servers.
Apple is smiling, but we have seen fake parts make it into the “genuine” OEM supply chain before, so they might not smile for long.
Fun, if you have an older iPhone collecting dust.