
Awesome! Thanks!

Yeah, it does suck.

Man, I was just getting over this strip. Why did you post it? =(

They should’ve had a massive water balloon fight.

Stamp “by Zaha Hadid Architects”, and it shall immediately be put to “coming soon” to Dubai/Abu Dhabi/China.

Sounds like wholesome Playboy TV programming.

Yeah, from airplanes, and around Xmas time.

Nerds and geeks just wanna get laid...butter don’ matter. Afterall, pretty soon you can just pop a VR headset and be good to go.


The delivery service is irrelevant, it is still a product of broadcast ‘television’. You don’t watch Netflix; you watch TV programs/movies, on a display device. Netflix is just a service.

If you are not reading the material that you are watching, then it is TV.

I’ve seen this “Joker” before...but where?

I had a similar experience around the year 2001, only it was like so much more in dollar amount. I was living at a rented place that had its own drop from the pole. When I moved, everything was done and done. About 10 months later, I get a call from the landlord of that place, the cable company was charging him $200+

Yep, memes DO come true.

Not to mention that they acquire these cheap modems at cost, they buy them at less than $30 each (just talking about stand-alone modems). They justify increased modem rental prices by saying that people do not return them and that this is bleeding them into insolvency.

“I think we should name it after Chris Farley.”