
Nope. Nothing is locally accelerated in the local reference frame here. Space itself is expanded and contracted; you're standing still. 

most cars both driver and passenger have their own and if you drive anything other than a bmw it feels silly

Yeah and we shouldn’t subsidize oil, corn, eggs, etc. etc.

Dear God, no. It’s already bad enough that I sometimes have to go to Walmart (small town, so some stuff isn’t anywhere else and sometimes it’s late), but being able to check myself out and not waste time in line is the only saving grace. Being able to look up stuff on the app and get a pretty precise pin for it’s

more fatphobic drivel.

I tend to think an enhanced ability to communicate with your constituents where they are is a legitimate expense, especially for $80 a year. Members of Congress already have the “franking” privilege, which allows them to send official mail at the government’s cost. I don’t think this is much different.

They’re not a failed experiment; they’re just not ready yet. 

A page’s load speed affects an article or site’s search engine rankings, with quickly loading sites appearing higher on Google which prioritizes sites that load in no more than 2.5 seconds.

Starlink is anything but useless. It is providing decent broadband service to many worldwide who could not get it any other way. This is not a claim that no cost-benefit analysis should be conducted, but the benefits are clear.

Small modular reactors “are no longer an abstract concept,” U.S. Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy Kathryn Huff

On the flip-side, I doubt that many people would be willing to hire a defense attorney who turned around and publicly admitted their client’s guilt, regardless of circumstances. I assume he’s still employed to speak in Jeremy’s defence and interests by whomever has power of attorney for him. 

He gets the influence because they know it’s from him, it’s just not public record.  You think Kavanaugh doesn’t know who gave him that 3 million dollars in dark money? There’s a reason the GOP keeps voting against donation transparency. 

you do realize that the vast majority of people in those camps are not wealthy right? If anything we should be advocating for more of this kind of prison for most non violent offenders.

This is what amounts to a prop bet.  There are agencies that insure this kind of thing.  Country Club/Dealership puts up the thousand dollar premium, gets to advertise, and then go home.  If someone wins it, the insurance company pays for the truck, because they lost the “prop bet.”

This is such a stupid boomer argument, a window and a rock is far faster, more reliable and, requires no skill to accomplish.

Picking the average home lock can be done in less than 1 minute and can be learned/taught in less than a week. Even if this is exploitable, it’d take longer to boot up a device and activate the exploit than it would be to do it the old fashioned way. Let alone the technical knowledge it would require to do so is more

it wouldn’t matter if this was her kids. if doing what feels best puts a whole bunch of other people at risk (who also have people they love) then it’s the wrong thing to do, full stop. doing the right thing means being mature and not being selfish about what gives you the greatest emotional gain. it’s not for nothing

Is this even needed? I just open my dishwasher when it’s done, pull all the racks out and by the time everything is cool enough to touch, it’s dry. I call BS on this one and any perceived positive results are likely psychological. Even most of the comments on the TikTok say it doesn’t work.

We’re screwed. We have run out of time.

Having no fucking idea what you’re talking about but still shit posting confidently is an impressive skill.