
Did you read the part where new ones cost $3.5 billion?

The mars rover missions cost only $1.08 Billion.  Yeah, its fine.  

$3500 is not a lot of money if the Apple Vision Pro lived up to it’s hype. This is not suppose to be a gaming system that competes with the quest. It’s suppose to primarily a device to help you get work done. I’ve used one and as a product demo it is amazing. The hardware is amazing even with it’s short comings. The

Unfortunately? Even if the aliens are long dead for billions of years, finding a warp capable society would be absolutely earth shattering. The biggest discovery ever in space. It would potentially be the impetus for substantial increases in NASA’s budget on a level not seen since the Apollo.

Just FYI.  You don’t have to watch it if they make it.

just because it will make money seems... blargh”.

What’s it like being a Hippy?

“So if you have a human walk into a house that floats, your mind goes, ‘Wait a second. Hold on. Houses are super heavy. How are balloons lifting the house?’”

Ratatouille (Animated) box office: $623 million. Marvel Avengers (Live Action) box office: $1.9 billion per film.

Your welcome.

Nah, your watch already does it’s job better.

I would say a good portion of what I enjoy is a bad idea in retrospect. You can definitely know something is a bad idea and do it anyway because it’s well enjoyable or invigorating.

They didn’t have his identity and quite often the vehicles in high speed chases are stolen. Tracking down a person is also not “easy” even if you have a registered address.  It’s highly unlikely if you don’t even get that.

The BMW turn signal thing sounds like it’s cheap way to automate turn signals so you can have the computer turn them on and off automatically and never have the position of the turn signal be wrong.  Not sure that was the intent here, but that’s the only thing that would make sense to me.

I rarely use mine too and I always forget it’s in the center when I do finally have to use it.  The lock for the door should be on the door.  That’s the only place that makes common sense.  Anything else is just being cheap.

Tesla specifically states their system can handle fog and will simply slow down to account for the distance it can see. It can, in fact, see better than humans in the fog. This should not happen. The better question is if the system can’t see, why was it able to be engaged.

It’s convenient!

In the 4th quarter of 2022, Telsa recorded one crash for every 4.85 million miles driven in which drivers were using Autopilot technology. For drivers who were not using Autopilot technology, Telsa recorded one crash for every 1.40 million miles driven. Accidents happen. Accidents with human drivers are far more

Musk literally just said Tesla is an AI and robotics company. Do they need to bother with selling to consumers if the margins on robotaxis are way higher? They won’t need public super chargers or public service centers then. Still I’m less concerned with layoffs and more that I have lost confidence in Musk with him

Large enterprises are supported largely by the top 10% of staff. You just need to hold onto those. As long as you are firing the right underperforming employees, layoffs are great for a companies bottom line in the long term. Capitalism is close to destroying the ability to work for high paying jobs for a significant

The value of an intern for a skilled position is that for far less then the amount you pay the HR department to hire a highly skilled worker, who may or may not work out, you can test out some new guys. The great ones will be worth their weight in gold after they are trained. The others provide negative value even at

Do you really have to die to win a Darwin Award because I now have someone I want to nominate who amazingly is still alive!

The BYD Seal starts at $49,888. Me thinks you might have a problem with your currency conversion.