
Limiting our demand for foreign oil by putting more EVs on the road is sustainable and way way more effective at limiting our dependance on petrostates like Russia and Iran. If the US goes electric and Europe goes electric, and China goes electric, Russia and Iran will too as they won’t be able buy cheap ICE vehicles

Tax credits are the carrot. It’s not a fix for income inequality or trying to be regressive. It’s to save the planet. I’m for planet earth so I’m for the tax credit despite its problems. While I agree there are much more direct and efficient ways to reduce carbon emissions, like a carbon tax, nothing brings the wrath

What decision? There is no eminent domain or special government involvement.  Price fixing is illegal no matter who does it.  

They are not being forced to sell. The lawsuit is simply forbidding them from banding together with other entities to artificially raise prices. There is actually nothing illegal with a land owner personally holding out for a ridiculously high price. What they can’t do is band together with their neighbor to make it

That’s not at all what is being said here. The land owners have every right not to sell their land. What they can’t do is be willing to sell their land, but collude with other land owners to artificially raise their prices. That’s not a fair market.  This ruling is fair and correct.

From the FTC website: “A naked agreement among competitors to fix prices is almost always illegal, whether prices are specified at a minimum, maximum, or within some range. Illegal price fixing occurs whenever two or more competitors agree to take actions to raise, lower, maintain, or stabilize the price of any

Well duh.  You just have to lean the car are two wheels then floor it!

That curve is not banked. It’s actually reverse banked and extremely deceptive how fast you can go on it compared to proper roads. This is more poor civil engineering then it is poor driving.

It doesn’t sound like it wouldn’t generate white people, just that it would sometimes generate colored people for a role that was historically white. It is akin to making a white native american or white person in traditional African dress sometimes. I’m guessing white people make up a disproportionate amount of

yeah, given that the text content is apparently accurate, this seems like it was an obvious plant.  Maybe the actual study is on whether researchers actually spend any time reviewing diagrams of the papers they read.

AI-generated articles could cause a scientific integrity crisis.

Why not just let people do that

This is not a law. This is an FAA rule and there is an FAA process for changing rules. It does not involve Congress. The number of rules you have also should not matter. What should matter is that this rule is very costly to keep and has negative value as it implies there are times you can smoke when there is none.

Building hydroelectric and wind do not reduce existing C02, they just prevent additional CO2 from being emitted. Planting trees is just a temporary carbon offset. We aren’t really sure how helpful it will be. It depends on when and how those trees die which means we really don’t have a good idea of what the value of

She’s rich. It’s not a compromise for her to buy carbon offsets. It’s the convenient way out. It is hypocritical to ask your average worker to take public transportation instead of their car and the compromises it requires when you yourself aren’t willing to do the same. Still it’s not like she’s some right wing

69 Megajoules is about 19 kWh.  The solar on my house generates 50 kWh per day... I think we may have wee ways to go.  

Gizmodo in 2019: Securities and Exchange Commission paperwork detailing the company’s financials ahead of its IPO revealed it was hemorrhaging millions of dollars year after year. Multiple profiles of Neumann gave the impression that he grossly mismanaged his company and engaged in bizarre and unprofessional behavior

Have you talked to Tesla shareholders? They don’t have a very objective story to tell of why Tesla is worth buying or holding. It all comes down to Musk and Tesla continuing to be a high growth company by branching out into AI / Autonomous Driving / Robots and basically revolutionizing the world several times over.

Being an olympic athlete is bad for your physical and metal health. Elite athletes often have to push their bodies well past a reasonable level. I’m not saying drugs will make that better. It could. It could also make it worse. In any case, we should stop pretending that elite level sports is good for the athletes. 

It’s decisions like this that are going to be the death of retail. I already avoid stores as much as possible because of the friction with getting to, finding stuff, and checking out of stores. If there are issues with self-checkout, they need to be figured out or amazon is going to take that business away permanently.