
Semiglutide was developed over a decade ago and has been in widespread use for diabetes for 5+ years. The issues with Fen-Phen were discovered shortly after its release. It was pulled within a year. It also had a controversial release and the issues that cost the manufacturer billions were both known warnings before

removing disney+ from teslas was clearly elons way of telling us our kids need to go touch grass and we need to actually be parents for a few seconds,”

All I kept on thinking watching the video is that’s cool, but would be so much better if it had a screen. That laser on the hand sounds cool, but looks absolutely horrible to use for anything practical.

The work is in the public domain we are talking about. AI also doesn’t use the work directly, it is simply inspired by it. The same way a human artist is inspired by other works. If an AI uses 12 billion artistic works to create a model and it sells for $1, should each artist get 1 / 12 billionth of a dollar?  The

I take it you never met a bad guy. The people in prison tend to be some of the dumbest and laziest on the planet. Not all, but the vast majority.  Make something hard to buy and yes, you will substantially decrease crimes committed with those things. The harder you make it, the less of those crimes will be committed.

Feels like there is a pretty obvious path. I’m guessing they started out as a parasite in cows. They would get pooped out or dispersed and inadvertently eaten by other cows, but it was inefficient. The ones that got into the snails probably did better and cows would be more likely to eat those.  The ones eaten by ants

Pfffft, I could figure that out too if I had several million years to try too!

They are inferior because they lack the reach of twitter.  Twitter is the defacto place where important people post news and status.  It doesn’t matter whether you like the tool or not, if you want to get a message out to the widest possible audience, you have to use twitter.  Every news site I use posts links to

Well said!  Of all the problems with congress paying essentially nothing relative to the congressional budget for a communication tool with incredible reach isn’t one of them.  Attack Musk and all the idiotic things he is doing to Twitter, but people still have to use it and it still provides a valuable service to the

I’m surprised that 100% of congress doesn’t pay for a twitter blue checkmark.  Even if you hate the service, it’s still critical infrastructure for communicating with the world.  For news content about what people are doing, there is no place more popular.  Nothing else comes close.  Musk may be working hard to change

Trump confirmed it was him by posting it to Truth social. There’s nothing that I heard him say that was out of line of the types of things he always says. Like most Trump interviews, we learned nothing new. Just some guy repeating baseless claims of how Trump is a victim. This is just a poor digital phone interview

The correct answer is zero. We are decades away from even getting a single human on mars for any period of time, let alone long enough to establish a long term base upon which we can establish our rule of mars. AI and robotics would seem to be much closer to making human analogs that can perform better on mars then

A Colony is a territory subject to a form of foreign rule. Colonists are simply individuals who enforce that foreign rule. They don’t have to stay their forever, nor does colony imply that.   In fact, if they stay there forever and, more importantly, start to rule themselves as the inhabitants of Mars, they would no

Oher’s GPA was too low to meet the requirements for a Division 1 scholarship when he applied. That’s a LOW bar... below a 2.3 GPA. He had a IQ score of 80 before entering college. He may have been academically gifted compared to his public school peers, but relative to the ones in private school he attended, he was

This is savings! Your not accounting for the cost of money which is super high right now as interest rates have risen. They might eventually have to spend that money, but they could save 10%-20% on that $100 million by deferring paying down some of their debt.  They like most other studios got screwed over when the

It’s not really that much of a problem though as their competition is also in the same boat, so maybe they don’t have anything for Q2, but neither does anyone else. That means their existing content gets more valuable to fill the void and quite simply they are pretty well equipped with their huge catalog.

Well this was absolute waste of time article. Nothing you posted backs up your conclusions. You have no idea if the tech is a problem or if it had any biases. You would have to know if a criminal was actually in the database to determine if the tech failed or was successful. Did the people it did mistakenly match

Wow! So this is the richest guy in the world who has had unquestionable success transforming industries. Musk has had almost all of his success by identifying big entrenched industries... finance, automobiles, space transport, neurology by doing the risky things that I think that the industry itself and, more

It’s not a lot. It’s just enough so the kid and eat the cereal, drink the fruit loops drink, and throw out the health stuff and not be hungry.

There is no name police, but there are in actuality zero people of color named Karen.