
Can anyone say VPN or side loading? They aren’t banning TikTok. They are banning lazy people from using TikTok. Seeing as none of the tech companies actually want to do this, i’m guessing there will be holes so big to bypass this ban you can drive a semi truck through it.

Do you know what acting is?

Now playing

Yes! Releasing more unabashed carnivores into the wild is definitely the ethical thing to do!!! Wheeeeee! Fuck sea life.

This isn’t going to ruin anybody’s life, just the opposite. Now real video of people doing illicit things are worth much less as knowing its real gets an order of magnitude harder. Sure kids will do dumb and hurtful things, but everyone will suspect it’s fake whether it is real or not. The more sensational, the less

Make movies way cheaper. Make advertisements way cheaper. You can easily take anything you can write, throw it into ChatGPT and make an AI video, then deep fake your face onto it. It’s truly amazing technology. It completely upends the entire video production industry. It still takes talent and vision to know what a

This has nothing to do with developers.  It’s not their problem to update flood maps.  This falls squarely under government responsibility.

Musk is all things to all people. He’s smart, rich, famous, and an egotistic asshole. The latter is the most important as there is no better way to get more activity than to trigger someone to say something corrective. Some follow him because they like what he says, the rest follow him to watch the train wreck and to

That’s the point!  Conservatives have now owned what was started as a way to highlight racism in America.  It’s now lost its original meaning even for progressives and annoying for all.

The web telescope was designed over a decade ago and is already using outdated tech. The best value would likely be replacing it with something better given the cost of accessing something much further out than any human has ever travelled from earth. Hard to see that fix as practical unless it can be done with robots.

That’s a $10 million engine.  Yes, they bother.

You sound completely ignorant to how our justice system works with respect to domestic violence. If someone calls the police and accuses someone of domestic violence in a halfway believable manner an arrest will be made often regardless of what the defendant says. They don’t fuck around with DV charges. Many

There really isn’t anything major that happened in the last 3 years”. What!!!? The last three years have possibly been the biggest practical change in vehicle line ups for the automotive industry in its entire history. Virtually every major manufacturer has released an electric vehicle and many countries have

A defense lawyer MUST provide a zealous defense of their client no matter their guilt. Not only was the lawyer’s statement ethical, it could very much be argued, not professing his client’s innocence would be unethical. The circumstances don’t matter much in a court of law. Evidence does and given this case sounds

Given all of these accusations arose out of a rolling stone article and not promptly reported when physical evidence could have been collected, this is very far from an open and shut case.  It is he said vs she said and given our justice system is based on innocent before proven guilty, in the eyes of the law, the

Also, it’s entirely possible this guy was defrocked because he is, in fact, a real douchebag.

Arrest first, sort it out later is how the justice system in this country works. We know the police have charged the student with multiple crimes. We don’t know what those are. There is really just a profound lack of journalism here. Talk to the student. Talk to the witness. Talk to officers. Talk to the prosecutors.

Uh, Twitter is riddled with about $13 billion in debt that allowed Musk to buy it. Selling it would mean finding a buyer that would pay more than that. That feels like a hard sell even at a firesale price 4 times less than what Musk paid for it.  Good Luck!

That’s not how it works. Elon Musk’s wealth is tied up in the multiple companies he owns, investments, and collateral for loans. The value of Tesla has substantially plummeted in recent months which likely caused his creditors to require more collateral or pay down some of his debt. Equity is an illiquid asset,

It’s not just an entertainment device, it’s a data pipe. Effectively satellite internet with very limited bandwidth. It’s the same as OnStar and NavStar, but with a more reliable pipe. Zero cars have been broken into by thieves this way and considering any flaw can be patched remotely, I’m not seeing any real way this

It worked great at getting them more publicity!