
The irony of a cryptobro complaining about the SEC not helping out is absolutely delicious.

“This is blatant corruption and insider trading. Yet the SEC won’t do shit about this,”

What I’ve seen is he really provides no push-back. It isn’t like he is saying “You say vaccines don’t work, I have a report here with evidence to the contrary, how do you explain this?” It is more like “wow, you’re really smart so that seems true.”

I guess I don’t get what the beef is with Hummer, explicitly? Seems kinda cool and better than the gas guzzler monstrosities it replaced. It’s expensive and dumb but all Hummers are expensive and dumb.

The gotcha though is that if she never sells and then she dies. If she has heirs, they will get what’s called step-up basis meaning, for purposes of taxes, they get the asset at the price at which it was when she died. So if it’s worth 4 million when she died and then her heir sells it at 4million and 1 dollar, only

That works until the company beats the shit out of you legally because you’re making up your own frontier justice laws and trying to enforce them yourself, and they have real attorneys who know you’re wrong.  Have fun sending that message in court.