
Over 3 million people were given faulty blood tests by Theranos. Some had no reason to seek medical treatment for life threatening diseases after being given invalid results. She has harmed more people in devastating ways than any street thug could ever dream to. I am all for avoiding prison for individuals who out of

99% of the people in minimum security prisons are not rich nor are they celebrities. Where would you even fathom an idea like that? The number of rich people and celebrities in prison is statistically insignificant. Elizabeth Holmes is simply off the charts. She was smart enough to be highly successful in a very short

Let’s be clear about why Musk is an idiot. Losing a lot of wealth isn’t genius, but when the rest of the market is also in decline, it really isn’t an indicator of intelligence. Twitter was in shitter for multiple reasons when he bought it and the layoffs and the drastic change he is making may not be unwarranted even

Pretty sure he has at least a million dollars for every bad decision he has made.  

He never failed and got away with doing whatever and saying whatever he wanted to the tune of richest guy in the world.  

It doesn’t matter. Smart people flock to work for Elon because he is incredibly effective and successful. It doesn’t matter if you lose some good people, Elon has the ability to lure better ones. This is a great way for Musk to turn a company around. It’s also risky, but Elon seems to succeed anyway.

Have you seen the price of gas lately?  My guess is not only is it going to be built, the streets are going to be paved in gold!

My guess, it’s far nicer than living in a hot desert climate.  It won’t take much to beat that bar

That’s 2 football fields, 600ft wide. That’s not small. An average block in manhatten is 264 ft wide. That means this is basically a city block on each side with a street in the middle. It’s less claustrophobic than a block in Manhatten and given everything is new and likely engineered for walkability and public

Boston Dynamics Spot weights around 75lbs. There are lots of commercially available drones the size of the one in the video that can support payloads in excess of 100 lbs. Not only could they have done this for real, anyone with a budget could make an even more impressive video using off the shelf products, assuming

Ha! The most vulnerable parts of the state are where all the urban areas are. Thats going to force a lot of liberal voters to get up and go leaving the rural areas with even more control. Not only is Florida not going away, it’s going to get even more deranged as anyone with half a brain finds more stable places to

You don’t have to trust it.  You just pay for Apple Care and then don’t worry about it.

There is no constitutional right to be anonymous. The privacy of your home is protected and the right to keep certain beliefs and opinions private is protected. Your identity is not and for good reason. People need to know what their rights are before they start trying to preach to the police they don’t know what they

The line VFX studios are not suffering from lack of work,” undercuts this entire article. If there is more work then there are qualified VFX studios to do them, the shittiest work will get turned down.  This says to me, whatever issues Marvel may have, VFX studios are still choosing them over other options and

False. Texas leads the nation in renewable energy. The fact that Crypto mining is volatile and can be turned off means it is able to fund renewable plants. If there weren’t any of these Crypto mining facilities, they would not have built as many renewables and would have less overall capacity to be tapped during

This is actually a great thing for climate change and supports green technologies well which are very volatile. The cost of energy from solar is half as much during the day as it is during the night, the same thing applies to wind, but for different reasons. Agreements like this justify and can pay for massive

Elon knocking someone up is not a dick move, that’s giving someone a golden ticket.  I’ll take the $60k a month and little Elon.  You can have the horse.

Sounds like you want a horse!

Excuse me, I believe it’s only problematic for ugly white people to tan.

Nice! I like how you personally insulted him by calling him a gross human being at the same time you tell others to not make fun of his physical appearance.