
Does it? The cover up proves they didn’t want to deal with a long trial or its penalties. Going through the justice system sucks just as much for an innocent person as a guilty one. The system actually recognizes this and a great number of cases are settled as, no contest, meaning you can not admit guilt despite

Um, in case you haven’t noticed, crypto is not easily usable as a currency or really anything practical yet. It is also impossible to believe in a thing that is supposed to replace a currency without believing it will have value as a currency some day. That was true in the early 2000s and true today. It was a get rich

It confuses me when you say you are not defending 3 minute jet trips, but then you immediately go on to defend 3 minute jet trips.

Private jet trips by a celebrity are a valid target because they are always a luxury and gets you relatively huge gains just by stopping one trip. There is no one thing that any individual

Moving parts are significant liabilities. They accomplished the designated mission 2 years ago. It’s way more important for the basic mission to succeed than it is to extend the life to more than double what was planned for.

Its increased risk and cost added at the start of a mission to purchase more life well after its designed lifetime of 2 years. It’s already exceeded all expectations. This wasn’t a missed opportunity to make it better. This was well designed to accomplish the mission and it did. No need to mess that up.  Your return

No benefit? My Starlink is amazing. My wired broadband use to go out multiple times a week for minutes to hours. Starlink dropouts now tend to be less than a second and are virtually unnoticeable when they do happen. I have no problem with conference calls or streaming. Way better then my old cable company. Not every

It’s a nothing burger.  The risk is virtually non-existent. Gen1 satellites have 250 miles between them. Gen2 satellites will have 75 miles.  Their positions are well tracked. Either way, it’s not hard to avoid a meter wide dot with a rocket ship with 75 miles to spare.

Ask yourself who Musk needs to convince to get government buy in and infrastructure support for his companies. The left is going to support EVs regardless of how cringe worthy Musk becomes. Not only can the company afford this kind of overreaching activism, there is no better publicity to convince those he needs to

Agreed, you have no place to go but down after working for SpaceX. I’m sure they will have no problem finding a job elsewhere, but going to work for NASA is not the prestigious career it use to be.

Uh, cause he believes in science.  He joining the party that forcefully says 3 of his companies have no reason to exist.  Musk’s has staked his fortune multiple times on the idea this planet needs to be saved from humans.  Keep your friends close and your enemies closer I guess.

Liberal’s are going to buy his cars because it solves a real problem for them. Early on when he needed buy in for the moon shot that was Tesla, he needed them. Now they will buy his cars because they have green creds and are amazing. It’s the right he needs to convince that climate change is real and what better way

You get out and get in the car behind you and drive off. Way more flexibility than trains to evacuate and get emergency responders in.

Cars can come and go whenever they are ready.  Trains are set on a schedule.

“Federal regulators released data today painting the clearest picture yet of the state of driver-assisted technology in the U.S.”

The only promotion they have to do for the app is have a really long line for human interaction and no lines for the lanes advertised as requiring the app.

Bitcoin has a public ledger. That means every transaction is not only tracked, but made visible for the world to see. Using publicly available tools, anyone can see where stolen bitcoins reside. That makes it way worse then cash for illegal transactions. It’s a boon for grey market items that credit card companies

80% of all water used in CA goes to agricultural uses including lots of non-native tree and vine crops that require substantial watering. 50% of the remaining residential water used in California goes to having green lawns.

Do stupid things. Win stupid prizes.

See the Lincoln Tunnel or any number of tunnels that actually go under water. They aren’t immune to those issues, but his point is that they can be built to make weather a non-issue. That’s way more true of tunnels than surface roads.  It makes sense as long as he can make it cost competitive.

Stopping subways from flooding is achievable with existing technology. All it takes is the right planning. That is opposed to roads, which can not affordably be made to withstand outside weather events.

In any case, hurricanes are not the practical concern. Weather related vehicle accidents, in general, kill over 5,000

Regulation = centralized control of cryptocurrency. That is absolutely against the foundational tenants of BitCoin.  You might find support for regulation, but it won’t be strong.