
You call the police, then find a lawyer when that is unsuccessful. In general, this would be considered lost property. The finder of the property, the homeowner, can claim it and would have certain rights to it as it was parked on his property, but the homeowner would also have to follow the process in the state for

Um. Ignore the ignorance of this article. This doesn’t mean machine learning is worse then having humans who constantly make unintentional mistakes and are responsible for the biggest open security door in most organizations. Who wants to talk about what caused the 2008 financial meltdown?

Automating systems creates

What a great idea! This looks so profoundly uncomfortable to ride on, you’ll be excited to walk everywhere after just spending a day riding it.

You can’t build new products that require faster speeds unless the technology is readily available in the general market. No one could imagine 50mbps broadband speeds as being necessary when hard drives were only a few hundred megs. Now no one can live without it. The same will be true of this. There will be a point

Anyone with the ability to fork out $1M for this thing will have not issues fixing those issues.”

—Current Yacht Owner

Hiring for consistent work is way more reasonable then hiring just for a couple of peak days.

Wow. I’m not at all surprised people are forging vaccine cards. I am very surprised 1,000s of people are paying hundreds of dollars for something anyone with a printer and five minutes of spare time could do on their own.

Or you could just get $1 worth of card stock and make a photocopy yourself. I’m pretty sure any forgery I would make would look way more realistic then my actual chicken scratch vaccine card anyone with a printer and half a brain could duplicate.

I feel like a scammer would have to be quite a bit more sophisticated then this lets on to get away with it. Payment processors for credit cards typically have a long window before you get paid and the business accepting payments is usually on the hook for the full amount of the fraudulent purchase. The only way I

Nah. Horrible rhetoric may be getting easier to find, but the internet and the open sharing of information it promotes has made society more egalitarian. I see this as a success story for open source. The founder of a project has jumped on the crazy train. Despite that, all it takes to continue is to point at a prior

There’s 505 forks and an intact commit history for faker. A poor commit that breaks one thousands of dependancies for a project is annoying, but what I call Tuesday, not the end of the internet as we know it.

This is practical. Insurance follows the car, not the driver. Recovering money from thieves is basically a non-starter. Even if they do have some assets, it’s most likely not in banks and untraceable. On top of that it would put the impetus on figuring out who was driving on whoever the car crashed into. The owner of

Backup cameras prevent deaths from running over small children and pets regardless of car size. The cost for new cars is negligible.

That’s not smart. That’s how to crush the acceptance of BitCoin by killing personnel budgets and stop its adoption from ever growing. Making bitcoin an accepted form of payment for salaries in a city of millions like New York will do amazing things for the popularity and acceptance of Crypto. He just needs to hold on

That sounds like the point to me.  He wants to be the first so the payroll department has a way to offer it to anyone in the future.

A reckless driving conviction is pretty much a hole in one for any civil personal injury lawsuits that will follow. Doesn’t really matter if the kid only gets a $200 fine. He’s likely bankrupt for life.  If he’s under 18, he’s likely bankrupted his parents too.  

What fraud? They know what they do is horrible for the earth and have for some time. I got news for your though. This is and has been scientific fact for decades now. There may have been fraud committed by the oil companies, but it pales in comparison to the willful ignorance of the world’s population and its

Uh, where have you been living? The world is going to shit. Several countries with some of the biggest high end vehicle markets are banning ICE vehicles within 1 to 2 model iterations and the rest of the countries are likely to follow. The simple answer is, they are designing EV sports cars now because they don’t have

There are some towns in El Salvador incapable of cashing a $20 bill for smaller denominations. That makes cash for commerce impossible. Bitcoin solves that and solves it out without needing a bank account or credit card that have certain minimum requirements. Under that context, Bitcoin suddenly becomes a better