Give Knox A Grant

Michigan eh? I would have bet money on Florida.

What a world. You let one ‘N-word’ slip (in front of an ‘N’) and it’s game over, man.

Ahem. Charming misogynistic racist relic.

I love that dank stench of horse-shit and hypocrisy. 

Why not? It’s a trash tabloid story on a trashy tabloid site. What could be more fitting that a blurry incriminating picture?

Actually, that might be the one story that can save her ass. Clever girl.

Oh no no. Y’all are stuck with her now. MeToo is for all the victims. Even the ones who are child molesters too.

... I would have. Even at 17. Especially at 17.

In defence of dating 18 year olds, it’s only because most 40 year old women are saggy and used. If they were still appealing it wouldn’t be necessary in the least.

Holy shit. The Root got it right for once.

A fine example of a man-purse. Room for a laptop, aspirin, chapstick, tampons, and a special little compartment on the side for any testicles you happen to lose. Perfection. 

A fine example of a man-purse. Room for a laptop, aspirin, chapstick, tampons, and a special little compartment on

Ron fucking Howard.

The problem with #MeToo is that it relies on public outrage for traction. And try as they might, the general public can’t be stirred to give a shit about every single victim. Their empathy has been exhausted.

My take-way is this: No one over the age of thirty should be allowed on social media. Youth culture and geriatric culture don’t co-mingle well. 

It’s a $320/share stock that’s been trading publicly for eight years and has never posted a profit.

Really? I think it complements his douche-bag persona.

Lucky little bastard. What the hell is he complaining about?

You’re missing the point. I’m not suggesting we revert to barbarism. I’m suggesting we recognize that consent laws are entirely arbitrary in nature and don’t actually prevent any harm in cases where the younger party is both physically and mentally mature enough to have an adult relationship.

Yikes. And now they’ve ruined football too. Is nothing sacred?

I don’t think America hates black people per se. But it’s probably guilty of not giving a shit about them on a massive scale. Hate is a small problem that you can see a mile away... skin heads and confederate flag wavers. But apathy, that is everywhere and it is powerful.