Give Knox A Grant

I don’t think police are keeping anyone in lower socio-economic circumstances. They’re just unusually comfortable using lethal force with a particular variety of criminal. Always Mr Reasonable, I prefer to condemn the police for the crimes they’re actually guilty of.

Sean Connery was in terrific shape as Bond. He was a former Mr. Universe and stayed remarkably fit as he aged. Granted, you could barely see his physique under the thick pelt of body hair, but, he was fit nevertheless.

Well, I’ll grant you this: I wasn’t aware of what a staggering number of people don’t have valid ID. That’s slightly mind-boggling to me. How do they function in society? I’d also be very curious to know what portion of the people too dysfunctional to carry ID are actually chomping at the bit to vote. There’s some

But how so? Blacks and latinos alike would have government issued ID. Everybody typically does unless they’re undocumented. Birth certificate, Driver’s Licence, Passport... any would do. They’re not picky.

Wait, are you implying that racism is worse in the south?

Nobody’s lining up to vote period! Our turn outs are a nation embarrassment. Interesting they don’t check ID in NY - you’d figure there’d be a country-wide standard on voting procedures. The whole thing’s a bit of a soup-sandwich, isn’t it?

Oh it’s the old Paul Walker debate. I’ll try to keep this succinct. There’s no such thing as morality. It’s an abstraction invented by a society of animals as a tool to distinguish socially acceptable behaviour from socially unacceptable behaviour. But it is arbitrary in nature. Fluid. And occasionally nonsensical.

Hehe, truly. Right after Bobby Cannavale channels some Gyp Rossetti and straight up axe-murders her crooked boss. That was a hell of a finale.

I don’t think anyone’s looking to silence Trans people. Or youth for that matter. It’s just bureaucracy. They need to identify voters, and they can’t do that if people’s IDs aren’t updated to reflect radical changes in appearance or gender.

Gentrifier being code for ‘affluent white people’?

A show this good can’t go on forever. But I’m going to miss it. It’s been some of the best viewing available in recent years.

Hehe, oh the shoe’s other other foot now, isn’t it? And the shock and outrage is so palpable and deliciously hypocritical. I’m savouring this one.

This. I don’t know why people discard their phones so quickly.

Wait, what’s the R-word?

This sounds like a problem that can be solved in five minutes with a good pair of clippers.

So she briefly had a bunch of ill-gotten gains, flush with money. And after spending it recklessly, is now about to be penniless.

It’s like a finger point away to the moon.

I hate to break it to you, but we routinely rape, pillage and murder. Because rules are just an abstraction. They’re not real. Ethics, law and morality all have something in common: they’re all just ideas that someone made up. Some ideas have utility, others do not. Typically, the philosophical standard for any good la

The only science that’s pertinent here is basic physiology. Humans are mammals like any other. Once they’re sexually mature, there’s no intrinsic reason why they should not be sexually active. People understood that once. Society has developed some rather strange attitudes about sexuality, but they are absolutely

Historical false analogies don’t really puncture my argument. They do colour the larger point that just because society finds a practice acceptable (or unacceptable) during a given time period, does not make it either intrinsically right or wrong. Social values are arbitrary and oft changing.