Easily a 99-cent frosty at Wendy’s.
Easily a 99-cent frosty at Wendy’s.
What kind of monster leaves the water running while they brush?!
Now... excuse me while I go water my lawn.
It’s touchy thing isn’t it? I think society needs to figure out its priorities and answer one simple question: Is it, or is not, acceptable to police the use of language? I’d personally say no, but the consensus seems to be leaning towards yes. If yes... well, then I suppose no one can use the n-word in any context.…
Seconded. I just got an Iron Stiffy.
This is pretty cliched rhetoric. I’m not astonished he was fired over it, but I’d be shocked dead if there was a single black man in America that didn’t feel the same way.
I don’t know what kind of happy-pills she’s taking, but I’ll have what she’s having!
I think it shows character. She has a personal relationship with the man that rightly supersedes the public’s opinion of him. I don’t see what’s wrong with making your own mind about people.
He robbed a place with a pen knife in an open-carry state? Fucking ballsy.
Amateur. If you’re going to commit a hate crime, you can’t leave the noose empty. What is wrong with this generation?
Here’s the real question: Has Law & Order: SVU done an episode on this yet? That’s some prime-time drama right there.
I don’t really read Jezebel... is it mostly just people making catty commentary on non-stories?
70+ people have starred the comment that suggests a guy kill himself (because it’s funny?). Proof positive that even ostensibly enlightened people will laugh at some seriously offensive shit. Shame on you.
Not to be pedantic, but only two of the ‘friends’ were white. Three of them were jews, and one was an Italian. 4 out of 6 for diversity hires isn’t bad at all.
I don’t think there was any problem with the conceptual content of the show. It was just grating more often than it was ever funny.
Well said. Friends was terrible, but it had less to do with whiteness and more to do with wildly annoying main characters.
Mike Pence, modern prophet. Say what you will, but his policy on women is utterly brilliant.
Correction: The OA is cancelled in this universe.
I just watched the original video and got a good chuckle. That was one ballsy kid! She was going to kick his ass... right up till the moment she had her lights punched out.
Well said.