Give Knox A Grant

Disgusting. Burger King, that is.

THIS is the Star Trek series I want to see.

Terribly tragic. I did some further reading, and it seems the victim was a sex worker. There really needs to be better services to protect these women. Trans, black and a prostitute; that is a trifecta of vulnerability waiting to be exploited. 

Maybe now we can get a 6'5 Reacher instead of a 5'6 Reacher.

You’d think having your child die inside you would be consequence enough. What kind of monsters would level charges in the first place?

So, what I’m reading is: don’t swim in public pools.

Suicide or opioid? 

Don’t attack his achomlishments.

It breaks my heart they had to wait till Harold Ramis was dead to do another sequel. What’s a Ghostbuster’s movie without Spengler?

Logan was the last X-Men least for me.

Makes sense. People are trying to eat.

I’m at a loss about this article. I didn’t see the movie, but it sounds like ‘Captain Marvel’ didn’t like some guys tone, so she physically assaulted him. Is that about right? That doesn’t sound very superhero-y. Even Murder-verse Superman wouldn’t stoop to that. Why’s everyone so desperate to justify it?

I’m really not sure who to believe. Everyone seems to be dancing around the pertinent question: did he pork her, or not?

These were all terrible. Is this what passes for music nowadays? 

And this is why I ask women point blank if they have it.

I’ve always opted for ‘illatinates’, which is someone’s silly portmanteau for ‘latin’ and ‘illiterate’. Heh.

I wonder how a guy like this who’s lost a young daughter to suicide can find the will to passionately lecture people about Batman. Who the fuck cares?

You’re not wrong. There’s a lot of places in the country that value second amendment rights over human life. Red states. The south. But that’s nothing new. We’ve been having to forcibly drag those yokels into the future since the 1860s. And they always go kicking and screaming. Fuck ‘em. If we kowtowed to those idiots

Now you’re talking.

Star Trek: TOS, S02E03, The Changeling. A damaged earth-made probe, mended and reprogrammed by alien technology, destroys a planet of Four Billion people, kills at least four red-shirts, temporarily murders Scotty, and wipes Uhura’s mind of all knowledge.