Give Knox A Grant

Spot on. It seems to me we need to employ some taxonomy here in the interests of accurate food science.

This might be the most “Florida” story I’ve ever read.

1. Anything you’ve ever said online can and will be used against you in a court of public opinion.

We all know the etymology... from a time when doctors favoured the hands-on approach. Much like this brief drama, it always ended with a little catharsis, didn’t it?

Sweet justice. Finally we see reason prevail over public hysteria. 

I’m seeing suspiciously little commentary from people admitting how wrong they were to judge so quickly. Where did they all go?

If we could portmanteau this to #BlackUp, I’d be the first to join.

Are any whites worth the trouble?

I wonder if he simply isn’t meeting the right black girls. Where I’m from we have an interesting diversity of black women. South African. French Algerian. Haitian. And some of them are just the most personable, interesting, and charming people you could imagine. But American black women... I only have my own

That’s not true. There’s three perfectly legitimate reasons why white women like black fellas:

I find this all fascinating. The rise of social media has created an entirely new way to attack people: Online shaming. And it is an amazing phenomenon. Nearly everyone is vulnerable to it. It often requires no definitive proof. And it is nothing short of devastating for whoever it happens to. Yet for as ugly,

It’s an odd story. Auto corrected racism usually looks like people complaining about ducking jiggers. You have to work pretty hard to get a phone to write the n-word for you.

My wife and I talked about this. We’ve decided that the man who was killed is handicap-cheater Jesus. He died for the sins of all handicap cheaters. And the world is absolved. 

Devils advocate: he was parked in handicapped spot.

I wonder if this will be one of those interesting cases where the trailer is far better than the actual film.

Classic retro. My grandmother had one of these in the kitchen, her ‘perch’. She’d sit there for hours chain-smoking Medallion cigarettes. Those were the good ol’ days. 

Right on point. What happened to the classic entourage? You surround yourself with people to handle this petty business precisely so you can be insulated from situations like this. That is Rap-101.

17. Ride a bike.

I have to wonder what portion of the 41% of the population who couldn’t be bothered to vote now have the stones to complain bitterly about Trump. I sometimes get the feeling that our political outrage is a lazy disguise for the disturbing extent of our collective apathy. 

I was skeptical, but I’m coming around on Commander Jet Reno. Tig might be the perfect answer to Discovery’s abundance of hyper-earnest characters.