Give Knox A Grant

I think this might be schtick. Note the absurdly on-the-nose username...

Maybe bring it down a notch. You’re being abusive.

He should have clocked him. I would have.

I have to agree with you. I found this story profoundly disturbing.

I could never get into almond milk. Don’t you find it has a weird nutty flavour? I can’t place it, but it grosses me out.

Alabama Porch Monkeys would make a terrific band name.

This is pretty much par for the course on public transit, isn’t it?

Spending a decade in development on a four instalment sequel to a Dances With Wolves knockoff that no one ever asked for. Bold move.

So this is where I start scratching my head. He was referring to the usage of the word by another party, not using it pejoratively towards a black person, so what exactly is all this fuss about?

Your comment points to a sort of deliberate mass denial on the part of white people, and I’m not sure that’s at all accurate. I don’t think white America is in denial about its history. It’s just indifferent to it. Who frets over the troubled lives of dead people? We hear people talking about the evils of slavery and

I’m not sure that’s accurate. Speaking as a white person, I’m not sure many of us actually hate black people in least. If anything, all we have to offer is overwhelming indifference. We don’t really care who you are, what you do, or what your lot in life is, so long as it has nothing to do with us. Tell me that

Brilliant band, terrible stage presence. I left early.

Well at least someone has the nerve to speak the ugly truth. You’d think this would be blindingly obvious, but no one seems interested in taking ownership of this train-wreck. I can’t wrap my head around this mass victim mentality. Do people actually think they can absolve themselves of responsibility for their own

Some people aren’t interested in being neighbourly. These are people in dire need of fencing and a privacy hedge. Perhaps it’ll help them mind their own business.

Very true, but ‘white flight’ is a well-documented phenomenon. Ethnic influx in predominantly white areas often results in an exodus of white people. I’d call it passive racism.

Exotic Dancer? C’mon, they’re strippers.

I don’t get it. Are you saying you have to be black to tell a story about slavery? I hate to break it to you, but there’s not one black person in America alive today who’s ever lived in slavery. So, I’m not sure who ‘owns’ it (if you can subscribe to such a notion), but it isn’t you... or anyone else for that matter.

I did have a point, and it was rather clear. Outlined in the first sentence in fact. It’s a shame it eluded you.

I have to admire your dedication to pedantry. I don’t mean this offensively, but are you autistic? Like... on the spectrum somewhere?

Right, here’s what’s confusing me about your question: What would my personal opinion on any particular Trump policy have do to with my general lack of support for his administration’s policies as an exemplar of inadequate grounds for boorish behaviour in public? That’s rhetorical. The answer is nothing. So are you