
Husky and Starch

No Country For Old Men.

When I see that someone has the word “raconteur” in their Twitter bio.

Damn this is a good question. Off the top of my head:

Archy Marshall, by his various aliases

Well, for me it’s Jason Molina, who recorded under lots of names (Songs Ohia and Magnolia Electric Co. most prolifically). He died a few years ago, and I didn’t ever hear of him when he was alive, but he recorded hundreds of songs and when I “discovered” him I had this whole treasure trove to go through. Everything he

Eh, I'm sure when the big moment comes the Seahawks will probably pass.

This is a great place to remember Raysisms 2014 2nd place finish.

You goddamned bastards.

“Have you ever seen a grown man naked? What about Peter King?”

Let’s watch some goddamn 40-yard dashes

The sky, amirite


Nuthin ‘sup with you

Well, at least it’s not the worst thing to fall out of a Bengal’s pickup truck.

Some of these bands are good, and some are bad, but this is definitely a list of bands. Good job!

Anchor Julie Stewart-Binks suggested he should dance for her.

Root Beer was invented on the wagon trail from Independence, MO to Oregon City, OR in the 1820's. That’s where the name came from. It was ‘the beer of the route.’ Lacking medicine and actual beer, settlers invented a refreshing elixir that would cure everything from broken bones to H1N1. You may be surprised to learn