
No, I believe Paula Jones. She and others who accused Clinton were treated horribly. Clinton is a piece of shit. I just don’t know why it’s relevant to the question of why Kobe isn’t treated like a pariah (though my guess is you brought it up because of the reference to Trump, because his supporters tend to try and

Do you just post some form of this whataboutism as a response to everything about sexual assault? 

if you could punch one person right in the face with zero repercussions who would it be 


what is a fact you could find out about someone (other than that they’re racist or a trump supporter or whatnot) that would automatically make you suspect they might be a bad person? for example, when i find out someone drinks pumpkin spice lattes, it raises serious questions for me.

What’s up?

Wonder why these two teams were so set on gettin’ outta dodge



Petrino has a right to be pissed. What does a fucking commie Russian know about football anyway?

This is ridiculous that dog is clearly arfsides.

This seems like unfair targeting of Gregory. I mean, sure, he’s apparently horny all the time but what college kid isn’t?

If the call comes and it's a surprise and you have to travel, get someone to help you pack. I ended up with 5 black cardigans and two pairs of underwear in my suitcase for what turned out to be a month long trip. Be prepared for people to say profoundly stupid things to you and remember it usually comes from a


Fans: It's a miracle!

Welp, there goes the migrant workers' elaborate plan to finally get three squares and a bed to sleep on.


You guys have A-Rod all wrong. He's not arrogant, he's dyslexic.
