
I get what you’re saying, and I think there’s a pretty big difference between deliberately de-centering white women’s experiences and going out of your way to invalidate white women’s experiences. If I’m being really honest, it seems like the author has some really good and important things to say, and also seems to

Yes, for sure. But see, here you are proving MY point, which is that there is a discussion worth having about racism/colorism and beauty standards when it comes to body hair, and that having that discussion doesn’t require going out of our way to explicitly tell white women that their issues with patriarchal beauty

It could have been a great article. It could have been a clear and loud rallying cry to give extra time and support to WoC and trans/NB sisters who don’t remove hair and face a more complex kind of hate for it.   

Really?... Because she’s white she can’t be a feminist? Because she’s white she doesn’t know of the discrimination she would be dealt for having body hair. This is a perfectly innocent person bringing attention to something that all women probably face at some point, but you’re saying because she’s white shes not

Just adding to the testimonies here. I’ve bullied relentlessly for my hairiness. In middle school, I was nicknamed “Hairy Ape.” I’ve been harassed by gynecologists and I’ve been in some intimate situations that ended abruptly when I took off my clothes and the guy saw my hairy body. Men have expressed shock and

That’s exactly what it is!  This tendency towards puritanical liberal oneupmanship is really noxious.

“Being used as a prop” <- Bingo. A five year old does not understand international politics or immigration issues. This is not adorable. This is a coached child being used as a puppet. And I feel your pain. I remember very little of my two years of Latin.

Make no mistake about it. Doctors may treat your ailment or cure your disease, but in the hospital it’s nurses who keep you alive.

starred and bump bump bump

I’m pretty upset with how Jezebel readers are being so incredibly dismissive and actually shitty about this.
Nursing is a predominantly female occupation and as such has routinely been dismissed as a less than vocation for exactly that reason. We have to fight to be taken seriously ALL the time. I get shitty comments

I was thinking the same thing. But I was also thinking that she’d get the same level of care as anyone else. Because above all else nurses have patience. (and big hearts)

What gets me is that the “VACCINES CAUSE AUTISMMMMM” crowd is basically saying that having a child with autism is worse than having a child who becomes deathly ill with measles (or whooping cough, or whatever) and possibly dies. How is a child with autism worse than a DEAD CHILD?

It’s all about the smug cat squint. That is a self satisfied smirk.

Announcing at a public high school was fucking bold, considering his outright hatred of teachers and teachers unions. I will truly relish seeing him embarrassed on a national stage repeatedly in the coming months.

Actually flat-out giving the homeless perminant homes does a great deal to alleviate their condition, even if lack of healthcare, mental or physical, is what made them homeless to begin with. It has an incredible stabalizing effect on their lives and communities, and make it easier for charitable and social service

Medicine Hat (in Canada, natch) has ended it’s homelessness issues by housing the homeless. The first job is always to find a permanent residence, prior to handling any other issues contributing to the situation. The policy saves money via fewer emergency room visits and fewer police interventions.

Jesse Watters—who looks like the result of a shameful one night stand between a Brooks Brothers suit and a copy of Atlas Shrugged

“It’s really hard when you see people without homes, and money to buy food and .. that they could possibly die from that,” MY NEW HERO.

Or just smoke a joint and play videogames in an air conditioned room.