
Kate Beckinsale is a goddess and that dude she’s with makes Pete Davidson look like Brad Pitt.

So is Shailene Woodley going to say the words "eating disorder" or just let us hang here speculating?

Gavin Rossdale still looks incredibly hot. And good on Ja Rule!

This is beautiful.

Same thing happened to my mom with lupus! She went to her pharmacy to fill her plaquinil prescription and was told it was out of stock. She depends on this drug to manage her symptoms and stay relatively healthy. Amd ita nor just insurance companies stockpiling. It’s also doctors writing scripts for people who heard


Interesting that People chose to say that Prepon “had” to terminate her pregnancy when in fact she was lucky enough to have the choice to terminate. No one forced her to continue the pregnancy or to abort. She got to make the choice.

Even in the best of times I don't want to hate on someone for smiling. Can we not hate on someone for smiling? I don't care how thirsty the smile is. It's a smile!

Good! I know it’s cool to hate on Peleton right now and I’ve never been big on indoor cycling, but I listened to the This is How I Built It with Guy Raz episode on how Peleton got started and I really liked the founder and thought the story of how it all got started was compelling and yeah now I'm totally rooting for

Look at Arnold trying to make me like him again with his donkeys and his veganism and his sound advice....

God I love Alanis. 

If Jesse the Body was good enough for Minnesota, The Rock is good enough for America! That'll be the campaign slogan.

Respectfully - why is it troll-like behavior to expect Trump to win? Nobody saw his win coming in 2016, and his base has become even more fervently in love with him, if that’s possible. On top of that, none of the Dem candidates are polling particularly well with African Americans, whose turnout is absolutely critical

I beg to differ.

Oh how I wish that were true!

Agreed that Trump will win.* But I’d love to see Bernie stir up some fun before the Democratic party goes up in smoke.

You don't have to be a Dem to run against Trump. (See Bloomberg comment above.)

That’s the beauty - the VP “isn’t a real job anyway.” But he’d seal the win, I’m sure of that. Literally everybody loves him. He crosses all age, race, education, and wealth demographics.

Here’s my hypothesis: any democratic candidate who runs with Dwayne the Rock Johnson as their running mate will win the election.

Get ready for more anti-abortion wins from this adminstration in the run-up to the election. It is Trump’s #1 strategy to win the election against whatever Dem runs against him. With these “wins” he impresses 1) evangelicals and other Christians who may have doubts about the genuineness of his faith; 2) single issue