
You’re linking to Fox News now?? I wanted to learn the deets around Kirk Douglas donating his estate to charity (good on him!) but not at the risk of giving a click to FN.

Oooh you had me until you called the writer a cunt.

Top photo of Anderson - is that my fate if I continue with the Botox? I’m a 43-year-old mother of 3 and I don’t mind saying that my recent excursion into Botox / Dysport land has done wonders. Now I’m considering fillers. The nightmare scenario, of course, is that I end up looking like Pam does now. Is it all one

Spoiler expired after two decades

Eks. This is a bad take.

Ok but wtf was that Taryn Manning tweet? And who is Taryn Manning?

Most South Dakotans are assholes. There I said it.


Perfect. Absolutely perfect. Thank you.

Right but who's Halsey??

Same difference!

All my thoughts and prayers to Limbaugh today!

Reddit’s commenter rules are that you can’t wish for or celebrate someone’s death. So Redditors took on the challenge and delivered some beauties today. My favorite - “May he, and all of us, suffer less than we deserve.” 

Or cuz he’s spending billions building free Montissori preschools in underserved neighborhoods?


Am in Minneapolis and can’t tell you how topical this is right now. The Minneapolis School District just proposed re-drawing district lines so that the best high schools aren’t located just in South Minneapolis (affluent and largely white). We all proclaim to be a bunch of liberals here, but you should hear the ruckus

Real, non-trolling question about Jessica Simpson’s abuse - did she say whether her parents’ daughter was an adult? Or was she abused by another child? If the child was also 6 years old, I’d guess that the child had been abused by an adult, no? Which makes it extra sad that the word didn’t get our sooner.

Real, non-trolling question about Jessica Simpson’s abuse - did she say whether her parents’ daughter was an adult? Or was she abused by another child? If the child was also 6 years old, I’d guess that the child had been abused by an adult, no? Which makes it extra sad that the word didn’t get our sooner.

Question: when did Joshua Jackson get hot? This is the Joshua Jackson of Dawson's Creek Fame, no?

This is my favorite thing about Cardi B to date.