
I’ve been drinking less during isolation than beforetimes, which seems to be a less common response. I assume it’s because I don’t enjoy drinking at home unless I’m hosting friends or having friend(s) over and that hasn’t changed. I think it will feel nice and be fun to have a couple beers or glasses of wine or

Anything for a buck when your expenses are as high as ain’t cheap having a wall of Veuve. It makes me wonder though,if maybe they are living a wee bit beyond their considerable means..this is kind of a grubby thing for a wealthy couple to be doing when you are at their supposed economic level.

If they

That makes sense, but it took me a moment to discern that from the context. It’s certainly not clear from the writing.

Not understanding why your “soul” was “dying” over what seemed to me (watching it in real time) to be a delightful if occasionally a bit off the rails (we’re all feeling it right now) chat about our current and future climate. Bernie clearly enjoys her and she enjoys him and why the fuck shouldn’t they?  To paraphrase

I’m sorry JLo. You possess unearthly beauty and an admirable passion and drive for your work, but I really don’t care about your eleventieth mega wedding, whenever it may be. That’s not even the virus talking. I feel like we have a good sense of JLo’s aesthetic and appreciation of all things luxe, so there isn’t even

I just read the whole Men’s Health interview with Liam Hemsworth (the magazine you only read for the pictures)*. Nowhere does it say he found Miley Cyrus difficult; he found the media scrutiny of them as a couple difficult (and refused to discuss her).

I read through that Liam Hemsworth article twice and didn’t see any mention of Miley or even a vague reference.   What am I missing?

I catered a wedding where the bride’s dad and step dad were like best friends. They went on camping trips together, without the rest of the family. It was the coolest and sweetest thing ever. They obviously both walked her down the isle and the speeches made me, a total stranger with a heart of stone, cry. 

Sorry that I have no idea who Draya is. I listen to Lizzo regularly and dig her music but have no idea who the other woman is. I also have no idea what songs they’re dancing to cos the sound quality is shit but Lizzo didn’t looked pissed, she had an “oh shit” look on her face when he called her out.

He Hates People Who Tell the Truth

Actually, I think being popular might be Dr. Fauci’s real “crime”.

Liquor Stores remain open as essential businesses, and its not because of Black and Latino people. The tobacco industry has a tremendous influence on politics in this country, not because of Black and Latino people. The majority of people hooked on opioids and heroin are not Black and Latino. His Massah, Trump says he

We won’t hear as much about them dying, because it will just be at home and not tested or counted. Got to keep the narrative that this is a urban (liberal) problem for only blue states.

I’ve been tired since November 8, 2016.

But he is sorta wrong as well. Like yeah, we should all eat more vegetables and work out more, but if you’re at higher risk of a COVID death because you’re obese, well... nothing much you do in the next two weeks or so is really gonna change that, yanno?

Honestly there was a part of me that was joking. But everything is suddenly explained now.

At least someone had a good take: