
I just want to make the point that art (in which I broadly include creative fellow travelers like craft and music) is good and important, and it really doesn’t matter whether you’re good at it or not. If people like Rogan, Pitt, or DiCaprio happen to be good at pottery, great. But it doesn’t matter. It’s an end into

Regardless of the recipe to make something really good, I double the amount of vanilla extract and if it doesn’t have vanilla, add some anyway.

Easy trick from a former college professor: First day of class, you go around the room and have each student say their name while you mark them on the roster. Takes less time than you stumbling through the names, you start the semester learning the correct pronunciation directly from the student, and there’s minimal

Wow, that was a really good, detailed article. I was definitely the perfect teeny bopper age when Tragic Kingdom came out to really want to be Gwen Stefani. Shirly Manson was right, she was really a trojan horse.

No, but then again, I don’t often remember things that never happened.


Ben and Jerry have been playing four-dimensional chess with whipped cream and sprinkles, and we have no choice but to stan with every fiber of our beings.

Breadstick at 2? That’s insanity.

Has he reached the point where he elevates to a higher level of being?

When it comes to offal, I say liver let live.

You know what I like about AllRecipe - it gives you the recipe. I don’t have to scroll for 3 days past a novella about how the recipe changed your families life, made you the hero of every social function ever, and retroactively won World War I. Just give me the bloody recipe (or give it first, then write your magnum

Where is the problem with a woman who doesn’t want her work to go out there for free? Is she too successful for your taste and thus deserving of some kind of shade? You don’t like the kid of work she does? Where is the problem here? I expect more from Jezbel. I have never heard of this woman, never had a baby, but

Seriously. This article isn’t about Geddes, it’s about Cills not liking Geddes.

I can relate. I’ve dyed all my clothes and wallpaper in Scheele’s Green to get that beautiful Victorian look. The drowsiness, headaches, and vomiting are small prices to pay for a home that looks this good.

I have no idea how to feel about this article

We are a Greek family and have been doing this for generations. Not the cheating part, the cracking part. We always believed that the winner got a year of good luck. We also wrap a coin in foil and burry it in a loaf of Greek bread. the one that gets the slice with the coin in it also gets a year of good luck.

I’d guess there are 200 movies on Netflix that deserve to be on the list instead of JOHN CARTER.  Like Moon, to name one.

The OED is intended as a historical reference to track how words have been used, not solely what they mean today. It’s exceedingly valuable to anyone studying English linguistics or older literature. 

According to a survey by Brides magazine, the average American wedding in 2018 cost $44,000, up from $27,000 just the year before.