
Just fyi, you forgot to remove an editing note about halfway down the article. It’s in bold.

As of today, available in Portland, Seattle, and the Bay Area on the west coast. Off the top of my head from looking at the map, it’s also in Chicago and a lot of places in the northeast. Sorry, I’m from the west coast so I didn’t look in detail. Completely obnoxious that I had to download the app and sign up to

Biznaga candy isn’t the same as prickly pear candy. Biznaga is pale and has a mild sweet flavor... or at least that’s how I remember it from being a kid. I didn’t know it was made from a source that was so unsustainable, and you definitely can’t get it any longer  

My salad bar at work would give you the whole shebang free if you guessed the exact price and give you like 20% off if you got close. I never paid full price for a salad and got one free at least once every 4th time. My superpower is useless now!

In California, it’s shifted earlier and earlier in the past 20 years for a super annoying reason: standardized testing. The tests need to be administered during a certain timeframe, and if you start school sooner, students can have learned more before they take the tests, and it makes your school look better.

In California, it’s shifted earlier and earlier in the past 20 years for a super annoying reason: standardized testing. The tests need to be administered during a certain timeframe, and if you start school sooner, students can have learned more before they take the tests, and it makes your school look better.

We weren’t normally allowed to have any sweets, but it must been Christmas time because my mom picked up a half gallon of peppermint ice cream from the local drive thru dairy. My bowl had a needle in it. I’m not sure if it was an actual needle or just a long sliver of wire, but it caught in my mouth for a moment. I

At first, it was an adjustment. The spouse and I used to spend at least half of our evenings out either with friends or at band practice, but between zoom happy hour and texting, we were stressed out but fine. We live in a dense metro area and I have health issues that would make getting sick A Bad Thing, so we’ve

It’s really weird to see the criticism of raw milk here because I grew up drinking raw milk. I never knew there was anything unusual about it. (It’s legal here in CA,and we had a local dairy that had drive thru outlets.) We also ate raw honey from local bees and got eggs from a backyard farmer, but I got every single

I only make chorizo with eggs, so this might color my view. Would I mistake it for my usual chorizo? No, but is it greasy and properly seasoned (the basic requirement for chorizo that gets scrambled with eggs)? Absolutely. My Mexican dad approves when I make this, so I’m gonna give it a thumbs up.

Getting a table at N/naka was a huge chore before she got her Michelin stars, and I can’t imagine how crazy it is now. All of each week’s reservations are literally gone in about two minutes. Then again, it’s not like it’s the kind of place you’re going to go super often... it’s an utterly sublime experience, and they

Not a problem, per se, but I bought some cake flour that was on discount, and I was now wondering what to do with it. Why bother with cake flour aside from making angel food cake? I was wondering if my usual chocolate cake recipe (which is pretty solid) would be better if I tried to sub in cake flour? And why am I so

It isn’t just someone drying off your car; they will also vacuum it out, wipe all the interior surfaces, scrub your wheels, put armorall on the tires, and clean the insides of your windows. Personally, I don’t use a full-service wash like this all the time, but given how much time a lot of us spend in our cars here in

On the upside, I was SUPER excited to Porridge + Puffs in LA get some recognition. It isn’t quite fair calling it “new” since Minh has been doing this for ages, but it is its first year as a standalone brick and mortar. Their philosophy is amazing (work with farmers and cook seasonal/interesting/sustainable things),

Worked at Subway as a teenage eleventy billion years ago. We were allowed a six-inch sub for a short shift (<5 hours) and a footlong for a full shift. You got to make your own, so you could put on whatever you felt like. If you wanted more, you could pay for the bread, then just make yourself a sandwich.

I don’t know Walking Dead, but Hugh Laurie’s accent is SPOT ON perfect. The only time you can tell he’s not ‘murkin is when he sings.

Aww, c’mon now. LA needs some love too! :)

I totally forget about those... thank you! I had a friend who used to love sours/saisons, and I haven’t seen her in forever and have forgotten about the lovely beers she used to pick out for us. I’m sensing a trip to the fancy beer store in my future!!