
Goddamn. Most of the teams fan letters are kind of fun and relatable, at least in part. This time, I’m just thinking I need to stay as far the fuck away from Wisconsin as possible, at all times, forever.

Um...I’m an agnostic/atheistish kinda person and I think most religions sound a little nutty when you really think about what its followers believe (virgin birth, son of god being basically a zombie, etc.)...but the fact that she put Scientology in the list with those others is all the confirmation I need that she’s

Witten is one of the all-time great two-way TEs, and he should be a mortal lock for Canton. As a Bucs fan, I still can’t believe O.J. Howard fell into our lap, and my deepest dream is not that he turns into Tony Gonzalez or Jimmy Graham, but Jason Witten, a guy with reliable hands who churns some first downs, and

The only thing you wiffed on was that Witten somehow isn’t a lock. Barring injury, he’s going to finish in the top 3 or 4 for number of receptions among all positions and in the top 15 for number of yards. He’ll actually finish with more receiving yards than Irvin. Sure, he’s a boring workhorse, but he also has more

Vikings, Packers, Cowboys, DC, Pats. Maybe the Steelers too. Those are where Drew really shines.

I don’t like the Cowboys, but I’m very cool with the idea of black people from D.C. being Cowboy fans because the owner (years ago) of the ‘Skins was a racist P.O.S. I can totally respect that. From what I understand and I’m by no means an expert it’s a considerable number.

I’d say New England!

It’s sort of bewildering to me, in a piece that pulls out and emphasizes the VF quote about their lack of self-awareness, that you could also say that “deep down, they must realize...” People who are not self-aware don’t have a “deep down.” They don’t ever realize. Not only do they not look into their own “deep down,”

It makes me happy that they are unhappy. I don’t care if that makes me a shitty person.

Had he ended it with something like “this is how it’s supposed to be, people helping people” instead of some red pill nonsense about gender studies it would have been a nice sentiment.

“This is fine.”

I kind of hate the way she’s doing this. I went through the Ticketmaster Verified Fan garbage to get Harry Styles tickets. At least with that, you didn’t have to jump through a million hoops for a shot. You get verified just by having a Ticketmaster account, then you get a code for pre-sale and go at it against

counterpoint: neither of them need anyone

Ugh! Can we stop with this ridiculous idea of hoping that singers and actors are anything more than their craft? How much of this “race to be woke” is the performers’ fault versus our own consumer habits and music industry profits?

It says something about us as a people that we seem to be holding a bubblegum pop artist to a higher standard of behavior and sensitivity that we do the president.

It’s weird because in the comments on this site, it seems to be understood she is a desperate has-been and her album is a flop. But out in the real world I see her on the cover of major magazines and on SNL and Ellen and Corden and she is getting $20MM to host American Idol.

It’s petty and it may backfire. Because it reminded me of the stunt Taylor pulled on Kanye last year which was worse than petty, it was nasty. Taylor was gone for long enough that I had sorta forgotten about it, but this just reinforces the idea that she is, as Bobby mentioned, a snake emoji. Not a good look for her

“artist commonly referred to as a snake emoji”

Maybe I’m real dumb, but in an industry where people are known for changing their names and age is an issue....why would a rumor of someone changing their name and fudging their age BE cause for not hiring them? I don’t understand Hollywood.

Ummm... is this going to be an Oscar Wilde case, where the real damage is done in the self-initiated trial?