
I like Taylor, but I think she needs to drop it. Post-KashSnapchatGate she’s on think ice when it comes to feuds. I think she’s realized that between that and Hiddleswift she’s let her manufactured tabloid strategy balloon too much.

From what I’ve read/seen of Taylor Swift and how she is as a friend, she reminds me of a “friend” I had in my early 20's. She was really good at the performance of being a good friend - like, would cook dinner for you, bake cookies for you, get you nice presents on your birthday, etc - but was terrible at being an

From a PR person of the not music/entertainment variety:

Oh my gosh this is so long for a response that ignores that the commenter I was replying to was saying what Katy Perry did was wrong even if things happened the way Perry said they did. I think it’s pretty clear that they did get the contingency in their contracts in Perry’s telling even if she didn’t think she needed

Not if you already have a roster, that’s the point of having a roster. Like I said, dancers leave tours all the time, not only for better opportunities, but for things like injuries, family emergencies, etc., it’s Swift and her team’s fault for not having some contingency plan for it. It’s the nature of the business,

I think Katy Perry was talking about it because of how ridiculous it was, and how it should be laid to rest.

Her reaction to the joke they made was the first thing that made me start to dislike her... she tried to make it seem like Amy and Tina were being anti women when they absolutely weren’t. She reaaaallllly pissed me off during the Minaj thing too... she likes to use the message of feminism when it suits her but never

Taylor should have had backups because people leave/quit for various reasons. I also read that Katy paid more, so I can’t fault the dancers.

I’ve known a few dancers and the big names are definitely limited. There are dancers trying to break into the biz, but if you’re a dancer for one A-list musician you’re probably gonna be looking to be booked by another A-lister when that tour ends. Dancers are shared. That’s why this feud is so fucking weird.

Obviously, yeah no one concretely knows what happened, but the commenter I was replying to was saying what Katy Perry did was wrong even if things happened the way Perry said they did. I think that’s messed up and reflects a mindset that expects some romanticized, disfigured notion of “loyalty” from contractors. Being

nah, take out anything to do with singing/dancing whatever. They are just contract workers who took a contract. added a stipulation that they could break the contract with 30 day notice and decided to use that clause. Considering the fact that in almost every state in the US they could have had their contracts

My brother is a choreographer, they definitely have other dancers on standby that they can call at a moment’s notice for whatever reason. Dancers leave tours all the time for various reasons, there’s always a contingency plan. A lot of the time there’s a rotation of dancers from various tours from the same artist, so

I agree with the not caring about this but whatever, I guess I’ll give my opinion that nobody asked for. It sounded like her backup dancers were checking in with Katy to see if she was going to be touring soon. It sounds like they rather would have gone back out on tour with her since they know her and probably had a

Ther ehave to be understudies available or contingency routines though. What if someone got injured?

She’s an ok singer, TBH.

But if there was no release contingency in the contract, the tour management could have simply said “No, you can’t leave, it would be a breach of contract” and likely the dancers would have stayed because that shit is expensive to litigate. Instead, Swift fired them.

Katy seems to have a sense of humor at least. Taylor takes herself so seriously! And her coopting of feminism into this millennial style of “girl power” really aggravates me. Plus she came for Tina and Amy after they made a joke about her. Like, I would die happy if I was relevant enough for those two to make fun of

I think the love for Perry has more to do with the dislike of... other people. She at least spoke out during the election while Taylor conveniently kept quiet... I can’t look past that.

Ehhh she’s OK... give me gaga over her any day but Swift is worse... so much worse.

Katy Perry looks gorgeous with short hair. She still can’t dance though. And this feud is tired so either she need to escalate it or we need to move on to more petty feuds.