
I know the feeling - my mom has driven everyone away except me. I am trying to cut ties but she has had some serious medical issues that make it hard for me to let go. No one else will help her and despite the fact that she wouldn’t do the same for me, I can’t see her go through this alone. I hope you find the

Do we have the same mother?! For your sake, I hope not. Haha! What do we do? Just sit back and let them deal with their crap because 1. it’s their’s and 2. they’re an adult OR get sucked back in? It’s a no win situation. I loathe Mother’s Day.

A 17 year old millionaire who is dating a rapper in his mid twenties is using the marijuana? SHOCKING!

There’s a story Jewish people tell their kids (it’s not in the Torah, it’s a Midrash) about how Abraham smashed all the idols in his dad’s shop when he was a kid. I think that might be what she’s referring to. I think what she’s saying about the Oscar is kind of sweet! It’s symbolic of not worshipping fame and stuff.

Or that we require the enforcement of labor laws so people are paid just wages. Tipping is a hugely problematic system that does not improve worker treatment. Every evaluation of tipping indicates it’s racist and sexist as hell for workers and encourages racist and sexist treatment of customers.

Gee, I wonder why people who work and live in heavily military communities often have an unfavorable opinion of the average servicemember, while people 500 miles from the nearest base whose closest relation to the military is their stepbrother’s nephew who did 18 months in the Coast Guard and got an other than

If you can’t afford to tip appropriately, you can’t afford to eat out.

That’s one way of telling if it’s mostly dudes in a house. No bin in the bathroom.

Oh! This isn’t like a break up story but I stopped hanging out with my bff because he was into me like that and became pretty possessive.

The asshole cheated and then broke up with me before I could dump him. And I was very angry so I called him a few weeks later and said I was pregnant. I let him stew for a week and then told him I needed $500 for an abortion. He paid and I took my best friend on a road trip and had the best damn time EVER

I was going through a very ugly divorce. My husband cheated multiple times and eventually moved out. While this was going on, I had to change the locks on the doors to my house due to a burglary, and didn’t tell him. One day, he stopped by to get something from the house and couldn’t get in. He flew into a rage and

She’s just really upfront about her baggage.

I know! How do you leave a dude if he’s going to hunt you down and kill you and the police tell you to just shut up and go to sleep?

One of my dearest friends is a DV survivor. The cops came out more than once when she called them to help. After interviewing them both and seeing the bruises on her bodies and not even a mark on her now-ex-husband, they basically laughed with the abuser and basically said, “Bitches, amirite?” They then told my friend

“According to footage recorded on the officer’s body cam”


Blac Chyna has lost me. Yeah, Kylie Jenner is probably an asshole, but she’s also 17 years old and a grown-ass woman shitting on a teenager is lame. Tyga deserves all the scorn in the world, but Chyna seems to be focusing on shading and/or slamming Kylie, which reads as kind of pathetic. I think she knows she gets

I’m with him. I’m sick of the way fruity guys dress all fruity these days. We should be more manly and dress like construction workers, police officers, bikers, cowboys or even Indian chiefs.

Adoption or abortion. Don't hide them in the garage for your husband to find.

“Any police officer especially would have reacted in the exact same way I reacted”