
Who am I to judge such a heartbreaking situation. I feel for both of them

Everything about this case is sad.

I mean, you could think that about the PC without judging the author as “letting them off too lightly”. She is doing the work that nobody else managed to do. Let’s only be supportive. She said she has criticisms but she is exploring the silence and shame that women carry in this piece. Its not her job to fight

I’m writing this because I want to know why we don’t want to talk about rape when it happens to us. Why my best friend of 22 years only told me a few months ago that she was raped in high school.

This is so epically stupid and offensive that I’m truly wondering if someone hacked her facebook page and put up a photoshopped photo (decidedly NOT looking at the photo myself). I mean, you’re smart enough to get into vet school....surely you’re smart enough to know how people will respond to this. Either she

What?! I am so outraged. A vet! Well hopefully no one will trust her near their pets now.

“No I did not lose my job. Lol. Psshh. Like someone would get rid of me. I’m awesome!”

Her mom took the picture and several people who supportively commented on the photo work (still) at the vet clinic. Something is seriously wrong at that clinic.

Considering everything else about the body takes longer or needs more work, I wouldn’t be surprised if they waited longer because recovery takes longer. Some time between 30 and 35 I started noticing that hangovers were worse, injuries took longer to heal, I couldn’t eat anything I wanted, I didn’t get the same

I’m 34. If I take that baby plunge, it’s one and one only.

Maybe it’s not that they allow more space, but that they take longer to get pregnant? Or, possibly, that since they are older they are (possibly) more highly educated and know it’s better to space?

Except not EVERY level because there’s still no female president.

I just remembered a great one! Last month, my friend - who is the chillest, least confrontational, most mild-mannered person in the whole world - was visiting Israel and he ran into some German lady who was like, “Why can’t there just be peace?” My friend was all, “Yeah, totally” (my friend and I are both Jewish but

Ooh, this one will be fun! The first story coming to my mind is one I have told on here before, but I’m sure it will be new to most of you:

‘Funner’ what is that? I hate that.

Jesus Christ, what a bunch of butts. I don’t have kids and I don’t want kids and I don’t really like kids but I do my best to nod along supportively when people talk about their kids or show me pictures or whatever because that is basic human courtesy and also I guess it’s really nice that people love their kids? It’s

So true! I wonder how this story would play out if it were someone getting a medical abortion...ugh. I shutter to even think about it.

No, but CVS cards you when you buy cough syrup now. I let this lady with a sick 3-year-old use my driver’s license to buy some because she couldn’t find hers, and you could tell the little one needed to be in bed with the medicine ASAP.

Definitely staged (she promoted it in US Weekly). I think you’re right that the caress was not part of the agreed upon kiss and Madonna got pissed and bit him (or tongued him) to show him who’s boss, which is why he flipped out. She did not look happy right after the kiss either.