I hate customers who don't listen even though you call their drink three times whilst looking directly at them and then get pissed five minutes later because some other fucker has taken their drink.
I hate customers who don't listen even though you call their drink three times whilst looking directly at them and then get pissed five minutes later because some other fucker has taken their drink.
I’m just here to declare my love for James McAvoy
As a barista I resent that.
Victoria Beckham was my favourite spice girl (I had a doll although I pulled it’s head off because it’s hair was ugly) but I doubt she is a wonderful hotel guest
When I was a teenager I decided I needed to sit down with my mother and have a calm discussion about her mental health. Instead of the usual me screaming she was a crazy lady when I got mad. So I get through this whole speach about how we’re worried about her and how I’m sorry I can be such a dick but I just want her…
Lol if your name is cass you could be the twin she thinks I have...
I feel like I'm being dragged back into my mothets crazy cycle right noe. But she is so damn helpless I feel like I can't just abandon her to the mess she's made. Anyway this feels on point.
Oh yeah I cannot walk in heels. I go out and spend the whole time trying to convince people that I’m not that drubk just clumsy. And hair. I cannot do things with my hair. Or things I do do 1. Use a million million hairpins, and 2. Unravel near instantly and tangle my hair up with a million million hair pins that take…
Aww this is sweet. I hope they have an amazing night. It must be tough being out before most of your peers or in a smallish town.
So the usual 'we'll help you as long as you act in a way we deem appropriate.'
That is grim.
What?! I am so outraged. A vet! Well hopefully no one will trust her near their pets now.
That makes a lot of sense :)
I’m surprised older mothers allow more space between births. I’d have thought it would be less if they were worried about thier fertility window. But maybe it would take them more time to feel recovered?
I had a friend who coulden't get an iphone because her nails were too long for touch screens. Her real nails. Could not deal with that.
The Guardian had an article disecting why her order was a good choice. I now know what Hilary Clinton orders from Chipotle and oh god why do I know that? There's an election here they could write stupid stories about.
I read this earlier and it really bugged me. Who needs strangers judging them when they are having a damn miscarriage? And what about women who do need abortions? Are they going to feel comfortable kicking up a fuss if shit like this happens? Is there any stage of getting what is a safe completely legal medical…
Maybe this is the time to share my prom dress fiasco. I bought a prom dress with my Dad. I liked it he liked it. All was well with the world. Got home to try it on and my Mother told me I looked awful and ‘like an actual prostitute’. I was a sensitive fifteen year old, I had been really excited about finding a dress I…
Why is the magic trick for everything baking soda or lemon juice? Has anyone tried lemon juice for cancer? I hear it leaves your tumors all shiny and new.