
Thank you! Years of customers holding up the line while looking at their phone, not listening and holding up the line. Employees hate them, other customers hate them. But you still can’t lose your cool. The Puertorican side of me is absolutely loving Melissa.

As a former barista from forever ago (not at Starbucks), I can feel the months or years of people not listening to her, building up into this one fit of rage. I felt like I was going to snap a lot. Coffee customers are fucking assholes.

The Pythons, while doing a tour in the US, were invited to trash their hotel room. Apparently the press for the hotels is really good, so they really enjoy it when that happens. And they, being British responded ‘Oh, no no no.’ The hotel owner kept insisting. Finally Michael Palin went into the bathroom and broke a

Oh my god imagine Ian McKellen doing Gandalf at you!!!

Feel free to tell me where this was so I can plan all my future vacations there/move there.

AHH I love it when all the celebs come for the Dunhill, mainly due to the yearly letter we get about how Hugh Grant is banned from all university builings and residences.

This is so beautiful my heart hurts

That top one flatters her face shape a lot more than her current long straight hair/long waves IMO.

been there, done that. She passed away this January. I didn't abandon her as my siblings did and even though it was tough to stay and care, I'm glad I did...I have no guilt knowing that I was a better daughter than she was a parent. The stupid holiday was difficult - being reminded of all the emotional things I never

“Kylie has always been so insecure about her lips, since she was a little girl,”

there was one episode of Kourtney & Khloe take Miami (which aired around the time Kourtney had just had her second baby and Khloe wasn’t as thin as she is now), where both of them refused to go to the beach or pool in their bathing suits because people would photograph them looking less than perfect.

Just spitballing here but I’m guessin’ this has nothing to do with the vaccinations and everything to do with a problem sterilizing the needles to give said vaccinations.

I hate to say or even think it but won’t the borderline insane anti-vaccers of the U.S. seize on this?

Yeah, I feel bad for those kids too. But that doesn’t mean I can’t feel bad for a teen who owns a house and has exploitive parents.

I feel so bad for Kylie. She might be a kardashian, but she’s a teenager. Her parents don’t give a shit about her except for her money making potential (WTF, Bruce?), and the mistakes she's making seem pretty reasonable for a kid in her position. She didn't have a chance.

I feel you on this. My mom drove away everyone else in my family, so I’m the only one she has. The really awful thing is knowing I deserve better, and deserve my own life, but knowing I’d never be able to live with myself if I left her to her own devices. It sucks.

Don’t forget Bode Miller. It’s definitely a terrible name.

In was in the car with my mom, on my way to run an errand. She took my time in car captivity to ask 17-year-old me about a girl in town who had died from OD-ing on ecstasy. My mom asked me about “the ecstasy” and I was all snarky, like “what do you know about drugs, MOM?” [eye roll] She responded “You know, the one

My mom is a transplanted Midwestern lady living in a small island town in south Texas. There are a lot of great stories I could tell about her (she was briefly Mormon because the only church within walking distance of her family’s farm was a Mormon temple and then she got a scholarship to BYU and, as she likes to tell

My little sister came home one day sobbing and said “my friend hung himself.” My mom patted her on the shoulder and said, “hanged.”

Yesssss, I was looking for this sentiment—the one where you WANT to abandon a parent, but you can’t because he or she actually can’t do things without you and so you are drawn into the mess she or he made. I mean some people wouldn’t care what happens, but... yeah, it sucks to care.