
I kind of feel like all cats look like Mr Darcy

This is gross but I'm not that surprised. I don't know how you can stop random assholes selling shit on the internet.

Taylor Swidt is the same Taylor Swift I would be.

Yeah my boyfriend was up for it until he realised how long all those questions would take. Lazy trumps love.

I read this the other day and just think it's a nice balence of cute and interesting. I like the idea that you get to go ahead and pick who you want to fall in love with :p

Yeah I expect they just changed their minds and made up a reason so as to not look like dicks.

When I was a small child I was asked to be a bridesmaid at my cousins wedding. Then they fired me and my sister in favour of a couple of the brides small relatives because we lived too far away for dress fittings :/

I'm not really sure how you would drink that much vanilla extract without vomiting.

I legitamately hate the word 'feisty'

I have an issue with sensationalist science reporting so do a survey of 72 people and see how many would shoot me.

Well fuck me Amadeus.

When I was a kid we had a slide. We played a game that involved trying to jump up the slide in the fewest possible jumps. Tried to do it in one fell back and slamned my head into rock solid ground and some fallen apples.

Wait, what?

No lie I would have loved this in senior school. Which basically just shows this girl is a lot more mature than I ever was.

What? Why not Kings Cross it's basically the stairway to heavan?

This just seems really sad

Eh I think it's cute. Sort of. I mean there are reasons most people don't gk on holidays with complete strangers but on the other hand great rom com plot.

That's amazing but I'm unnerved by food shaped like people.

Who among us has not spent £300 on something dumb?

Only film Ginny sucks