Thats how it got started. There was a peaceful protest for the shooting of him then like most riots a few bad apples got into the mix. They started all this but that was the catalyst for the start of this.
Thats how it got started. There was a peaceful protest for the shooting of him then like most riots a few bad apples got into the mix. They started all this but that was the catalyst for the start of this.
I bet those Lulzsec kids started it all.
The mask looks more like something I have seen on Batman, the suit makes complete sense.
Time to watch the astronaut death toll go up which would prove that we need the space shuttles back.
I think it has to do with cops busting people. The rest are crime stories also.
Based on her first movie I think this would be just as great. To bad I will have to wait for netflix to get it before I can watch it.
Can we get a Claudia and jinx main plot soon, please.
Owen was a jerk but there was hints to more than that right away but with Rex there seems to me no let up. I did like that he yells at Esther for visiting family but he does the same thing with his dad.
She made Jake a fixed point in time so yes.
Why not wait for the real pitt winters?
Im guessing this is not taking in account conjoin twins because then the odds are always 100% that two people share a birthday.
I like that his run so far is more than just a one season arc like RTD. School and Dr Who start at the same time so its a win win.
Well if thats his message then I think he would say yes it was.
I like the hint at the end of the show that human agents dont see the alphas as being human. Which was a suttle way of showing that the alpha of last week was correct. I would like to see some personality in the agents that are on the show.
I want him
How about the people that lost their lives at the begging of the shuttle program? People lost their lives just trying to figure out how to make it into space.
Steve Buscemi character is Armageddon makes that joke before they take off.
I think they could learn how to do a gay character from Captain Jack.
Well who needs rent this month.