
But you will have to hunt for bullets. Unless you live close to a bullet factory.

Makes sense because Ben is in a huge working class democrat city.

Ug, so they Americanised the OG show. What I loved about the OG was it did true car test with fun shenanigans in spots. Then in the end of the segment they would give actual reviews of cars. Which we could use in real life. Even the sports cars would be about the cars not the challenge. They knew even gear heads

You are right, her attire says CEO all over it.

Any ethnic hair is better than white peoples hair.

Get your knife out so they have to worry about getting sliced also.

Like baseball the manager should get in his words in then get off after five minutes.

It was not till this song and video that I liked Beyance. Always thought she was good but her music eh. So Im in the minority for white people when it comes to this song.

But thats how they hold them in the movies.

Cant believe they have 5 minute speeches for awards.

Packers need to improve their secondary in the off season. As a Packers fan their play has been pissing me off all season.

Sorry, hard to read sarcasm in text. I should have expanded your conversation.

You are wrong. Saying someone is wrong is his first amendment right and its your right to say he is wrong.

The Packers don't have a defence. They just put guys on the field to make it look like they do.

True but messing around won’t prove if he has training or not. We can tell he is thinking and reacting the whole because he doesn't care about this fake fight.

I think he knew that he could fuck up McGregor in real fight. Thats why he just lets himself get hit. Plus they are in pants so its not like they are going to go hard at each other.

I guess you can but why would you because cars or 18 wheelers couldn’t pass with easy. If a bicyclist is in the middle on a corner they are going to die. I have road many roads that have no edge and blind corners. If I was in hugging the yellow line I would have been killed. Riders should ride on the side of the road

If you are going slow enough to be past by a bicyclist then your car has problems. Any bicyclist riding along the yellow line is a fucking moron, they should be on the edge. Unless its like PA roads the middle is the only place you can ride.

Im always surprised the Texas has not succeeded from the Union to become its own country yet. Then right after that annexed back to the USA as a territory. Or USA does nothing and lets Mexico take it back.

All fair points as a Packers fan. I still don’t get why they stay with Capers seeming his defence was good for one year. Ever since then they have been a okay defence. Maybe the share holders should elect new owner and board.