
Like every alien invasion story written the aliens have some simple flaw that lets us win. Battle:LA it was a control center, War of the Worlds germs (makes perfect sense), ect.

Also the alcohol content of the drink some beers are 9% which means they are going to get your drunker than say a drink that is 5%. I would tell everyone to sleep in their car if they are going out to a party so they dont have to drive home. Im more likely to get a DUI for biking drunk and almost did.

Its not like a drive right after I drink. I drink a bunch of non-alcoholic beverages, wait a while, and piss a lot before I think of doing it. I have only done it twice.

I know how to drink and not pass out in a yard, I also know how to drink and then drive.

NO, I measure a trip on how long its going to take me to get there not distance. I know there is traffic thats why I round up time by an hour or so.

We know that teaming up with the private sector is a better way for Anon to hack you.

Hopefully not emo angst.

Wow, he looks real goofy but Ill hold off judgement till I see a trailer.

Still like a lot more.

That would be cool. Did we ever find out what happen to Warehouse 2 artifacts?

I think thats the last time we will see H.G. Wells. It was a nice closer for what happen to her. I liked that she only can be some what conscious.

North Jersey cant drive or hunt is what I learned from living close to the state.

Yeah, but did their family members remember that they got married?

"Was that a dig at Steven Moffat's Doctor Who season five finale, "The Big Bang"? We weren't sure." His run is more of a two season story arc not one.

So Im an above average hipster!

Well you can come over to PA to buy all the fireworks you want just dont get cough going back across the border. We in PA cant buy fireworks in our own state.

So the Brits will know how we fell about Dr Who. Im glad i dont have a tv to see the stars promotions on talk shows because I would be yelling at my tv. Why dont they have the original star promote the show not the new american stars?

They are post anything that anon post which i guess is the hip thing to do now a days that lulz made it popular. The only stories I read about them was when they broke up and that was on npr. They did buy the iphone so it might be their style to play it fast and loose. No one wins points with them.

They just dont want to get hacked again by anon.

They were doing this before it was popular so my thought is they would continue. The news just wouldnt be know to a whole lot of people. We have 24hour news cycle to thank for this because they need a new story every hour.