
I find it difficult to believe that men somehow wouldn’t have heard the screaming that generally accompanies human childbirth, and made some sort of connection between sex and pregnancy, prior to the domestication of animals.

This might be the first time I’ve ever related to Kim. Everyone I know loved pregnancy and felt fantastic and glowed, but I was bloated and puffy and in pain and vomited for 8 months.

Honestly, I’ve been reading Archie for Jughead. His quick-witted and often intelligent comments (that usually go over everyone’s head) leave me roaring. So, this will be nothing short of amazing.

When I was in 9th grade, I met a girl at a church dance that I was obsessed with and then spent the next two weeks calling her every single day. I took her to an Avril Lavigne and Simple Plan concert where I tried and failed to even hold her hand. She started dating someone the next day. That afternoon I called into

Ha! Another reason I wouldn’t want to nurse for longer than 6 months- even more time away from the wine! Who knows? I might love it. Just saying right now the thought of it makes me cringe. Like my nipples get a little dry and cracked in the winter and it’s not even that cold here in the winter! I can’t imagine how

Look, I don’t want to step on too many toes with another one of my controversial opinions but I think drug-murdering is wrong.

How could a guest be any worse? Unless you are say Rachel from friends and you ruin the whole goddamn thing because the groom is in love with you not the bride and says the wrong thing. Really that was more Ross’s fault though. Please elaborate on how she could have been worse? Maybe if she was like Godzilla and

In the poll, you should have a “yes, she’s awful but I wish she was bitchier” option.

You don’t have to feel bad for him. You can just understand the request he’s making of his fans is reasonable. Finally something reasonable from him.

So edgy.

Not to get all Joe Dirt about it, but some fireworks would have that fucker packing post haste.

Not everyone wants a pit bull breed and that's okay. Enough with the shaming of people who choose not to adopt a pit.

And the cool, nonplussed stare. This bear’s got some attitude.

Starring popular actors, Franklin D Ho-sevelt and Harry S Do-men.

1940’s porn titles:

Rosie the Rivet-her
Pearl Harder

Add your own, so I don’t feel like a monster!

Look at the SIZE of those fucking pinecones! What planet was this filmed on?

It’s the long, leisurely pre-dump tail lift that truly communicates the disdain.

Verdict: the Pope is not catholic.

I never really found him attractive until this picture. I’m digging the salt and pepper look.

tl;dr cuz i am so distracted by the gray in ryan’s hair and beard and OOF