
Ugggh, what’s your secret? I’ve been in the greys since “the greys” became a thing :(

lol that backfired on ya, didn’t it?

I could be really wrong, but wasn’t Lena also like, under 10 when she did that? For some reason I remember it being about when she was 6 or 7 and her sister was a toddler. That’s a 10-year age difference with the Duggar dude. Even if a guy wrote that he’d done what Lena did to his sister at 6, I’d have the same

I dunno, when I weighed 160 (ah, the good ole days) I usually wore a size 6, sometimes a size 8. I’m 5’3”

? From what I’ve heard, Blizz has been pretty fantastic (at least, compared to other companies) in terms of how they treat their fan-base/consumers....They regularly include little easter eggs paying homage to inside jokes that have become popular in the game, and they DO actually seem to make a concerted effort to

Thank you. Plus, most of the people slamming it are people who “used to play back when it was good”, and all those people do is remind me of an old man shaking his cane at the ignorant youths on his lawn. We get it, you don’t like the changes to the game, but stop acting like you’re superior just because you preferred

Obviously my experience doesn’t reflect everyone’s experiences, but....I’m 14w pregnant and there wasn’t even a spark of hesitation in my doctors’ eyes about continuing my Lexapro. I have GAD, with a history of panic attacks and some OCD, but my symptoms are nowhere near as severe as they were a few years ago when I


I refuse to believe that. I’ve never watched Castle, but I refuse to believe that Nathan Fillion has a single enemy or even frenemy out there.

I just looked that up and, holy shit! The snippet I watched had her describing the waitress’s death in gruesome deal “haha, her face on the concrete, foundation totally smeared and mixed in with all the blood running down her face, eyes glazed over, staring out while waiting for the police to arrive” - what the fuck!

We wanted our dog, Arthas, to walk down the aisle, and he was supposed to be brought off to the side, but he ended up standing with the groomsmen, so we decided he was just a groomsman and that was that. Makes sense, because he’s totally my husband’s baby. Here he is, being escorted by two bridesmaids. He had a bow

From what I saw, Musk said this (and one other, less controversial quote in the article/story) was bullshit, that he never said that. Tbh, unless I see a screenshot of the email, or some other kind of evidence, I’m willing to bet it’s just a disgruntled employee who twisted his words.

I read it more like “this is Florida and everyone and their mom talks about “el ojo” (at least, in South Florida)....but you could just turn it into a racial thing too, that’s cool.

My thoughts exactly - he needed something to hold over her head and give him an excuse to keep her depending on him. That’s a lot of money, no matter how old or young you are, so it’s hard to just walk away from and/or ignore someone who’s holding it back from you.

Ah, yeah, that makes sense. I’d definitely be apologetic and embarrassed.

Genuine question: how can you tell the difference between “not caring” and “not caving”? You know what I mean? My worry is that, when I have kids, they’ll throw a tantrum in an inappropriate place (like an airplane, where there’s no escape or soundproofing), such that I’ll have to barter/negotiate to get them to calm

Easily the best thing I've read on here in a long time, and I love the site, so.

I always dragged a friend with me when I was planning my wedding and going to these. I would go even when I was 90% finished with the planning, I just wanted free cake and swag. Both friends I brought with me on separate occasions were assumed to be my fiancees - even though we're all straight, we found it flattering

lol except, having grown up in Miami, and having a LatAm stepmom, and having spent a lot of time in Central America, I can vouch that this is not a minstrel show, it’s legit a common personality type in latin american culture....

I wrote it up elsewhere, and it's a long story, but it's not mine - it's my parents'. Basically, my grandmother, great aunt, and their girlfriend decided it was entirely appropriate to crash their honeymoon on the second day and tag along at every activity for the rest of the week. My dad said it really set the tone