
Tbh I found Margaret Atwood’s commencement speech at my college graduation to be “uneventful”, so she’s not really one to talk.

I wish just once I could get out of the greys, cause goodness, do I have a story.

It's gonna be okay, I promise!

Holy shit, I know what I'm doing this weekend...

Omfg my husband too. EVERY DAMN TIME. We've been living together for 2.5 years and he still plays this card. So glad I'm not the only one dealing with that bullshit excuse hahaha

Same! Adultosaur was 100% my reason for clicking on this. Sending love and unicorns your way, Adultosaur. We should raise money to send a lifetime's supply of Ben&Jerry's and tissues to A's house, as it's the only proper way to grieve.

Actually let out an audible "ohhhh shiiiit" at work.

Except it's kind of funny, isn't it, that people get all up in arms about female gamers being frauds far more than about male gamers being frauds. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places, but I've read far more articles and "think pieces" about supposedly fraudulent/fake female gamers, and absolutely nothing about fake

I need to hear your opinions so I can formulate mine around them, plezzzz.

Can I piggyback here and ask my own semi-related question? I can't ever seem to find any elastic-y headbands (for the gym, etc.) that actually stay on my head. They ALL slip off, even if I try to bobby-pin them in place. I've even tried the ones with that "no slip grip" thing on them, but they just edge their way

Thanks for your awesome response, I'm sold now :D

Awesome, thanks!

Thanks for this! I asked about antlers upthread. Do you put anything inside them or on them to make them more appealing? Or do dogs tend to like them just as is? Also, do they not splinter? I have a super enthusiastic pyr puppy who will splinter mediocre giant beef bones in an hour, so I want to find something

Same with my pyr puppy - she refuses to touch Kongs and Nylabones, no matter how much bacon grease I rub on them or snacks I put inside. She loves stuffed animals so I bought her a bunch, pulled out all the stuffing, and gave her the empty shells of a stuffed animal to play with - she likes it better than when they're

My grandmother. She tried to convinced my husband and me to spend our honeymoon at her place, too, and I laughed and laughed.

Not my wedding (though there were a few pretty funny moments of drama), but my parents' wedding was like, wrought with bad omens. They got married in the main cathedral in San Sebastian, Spain, where my mom is from. My dad's a Kansas boy, so his parents and 6 siblings (including his best man, his younger brother) had

I mean, I was never big on it, but figured "eh, why not" for having it in my wedding. I'm not kidding when I say women got.....viciously competitive. One (very single) friend literally wrestled with another (engagement-on-the-horizon) friend before ripping it out of her hands (pretty much snapping a bunch of the

I see a lot of talk about building a structured, detailed birth plan, as well as the need for advocating for that plan (by yourself, through your partner/family members, a doula, etc.). Obviously you want to account for everything but for me, the extent of my birth plan is "Get the baby out as healthily and safely as

Hey now, huitlacoche, sweetbreads, and black pudding (any type of blood sausage really) are actually really delicious (in my opinion, obviously).

-I went through a hard-core fangirl phase with Good Charlotte (ahem, BEFORE they were mainstream, okaaay?). We were waiting outside one of their shows in Ft. Lauderdale and they came out of their bus. No one else was around, except for me (dying inside) and my mother (uggh, junior high). My mom hissed at me to talk to