Ginger, get the popcorn!

I honestly think you are WAY oversimplifying security, aid, and Africa. First of all, I'm going to need some citations for the claim that Africans want security instead of development. And I all around reject both your premise that security and development are a somehow mutually exclusive—like you can't work on

Well, it's been to our benefit! Leave the socks on! Curl the toes! This is valuable knowledge. If only the lady who wrote the original article could learn these things. I mean, honestly. Hating on doggy style?!

You are just droping knowledge bombs ALL OVER this comments thread, and I just want you to know that I am about it.

Make It or Break It was/is my JAM. I was so pissed when they hinted at a MIOBI London Olympics special but then....nothing.


Anyone who can embrace the seriousness of a drunk taquito quest (literally, I don't think I ever persue anything more intensely than a 7-11 when I am wasted) is alright by me. Let's get boozy together sometime, and you can convince me it's the perfect time to get my tattoo.

Yeah, the idea that LA costume folks are like completely unaware of fashion is HILARIOUS to me. Especially whe she goes on to suggest that having Chanel on TV was this novel idea. Like, Jesus, I buy my clothes at Target and have never opened a copy of Vogue in my life, and even I know that's totaly bullshit.

#foodbeforedudes is my drunk mantra. I have literally been on the cusp of going home with someone and then peaced the eff when my friends mentioned it was time for taquitoes. I mean, obviously I wasn't like super into it anyway, but I am HIGHLY motivated by snacks. I feel like I should get #friesbeforeguys tattooed

I would watch the FUCK out of that show.

I don't usually like to police people's grammar/spelling/etc., especially on platforms like Twitter, but I honestly can only barely decipher Miley's manic Tweets. Is this part of her "Lookatme! I'm on drugs! I am SO COOL!" persona?

It certainly shouldn't be re-claimed by whatever asshole brought their dog to a music festival. I vote Dolly!

What bothers me about this is that he could be making a valid point if he weren't being so....Matt Lauer-y. It's true that neither men nor women can 'have it all.' And I think the fact that men, too, struggle with sacrificing family for their careers is brushed aside. Society is waaaaaaay harsher on women who

(1) I have seen this Law and Order: SVU episode.

Oh, that's for sure. This dude just seems like a complete sociopath, so I just wish it were actually life-life, you know? At least this lady is unlikely to ever live with him. I just hope that poor baby isn't too fucked by it all.

He's only sentenced to 28 years, but I think your point generally stands. If you're the type to marry a murderer, at least marry one who probably can't murder you.

Wow. Thanks. You've definitely convinced me.

Wow. That's some sense of humor you got there.


This is only tangentally related, but re: Takei joke— I was once with a friend who objected to something a male friend of ours said. He replied with "must be time of the month!" And she looked at him and went, "That time where I find sexism annoying? Yes. Yes, it is." I almost broke my hand trying to give her the

Oh, I wasn't accusing you of trampling! I'm just saying that there is no accepted term. People who advocate for the use of "mutilation" do so for the very reasons you say. "Circumcision" seems too mild for what it is.