I have never been more embarrassed in my life. I wore pink yesterday! Why didn't anyone say anything?! Has the matriarchy voted me out?
I have never been more embarrassed in my life. I wore pink yesterday! Why didn't anyone say anything?! Has the matriarchy voted me out?
Wait. Wait. Are we not wearing pink on Wednesdays anymore, either?????
Fine. I'll play:
This is actually a very contentious issue in the field. Some activitists and some women who have been forced to undergo the procedure prefer "circumcision" and others perfer "mutilation." Both groups feel very strongly about their chosen word.
But, Erin! Not ALL douchebags try to raise money for charities.
I've been around these parts for a while, and I have generall found Flowbee to be a great additional voice to Jez. I'm going to need a citation on "accusing women en mass of lying about things like rape."
I think if you have a literal visceral reaction to being called a feminist that is says far more about you than it does about feminism.
Aw, shit. We're not supposed to be ridiculing All Men? Am I feministing wrong? I thought this was what we agreed to at the meeting?!
But here's the problem with that: when you alter the language to say "most men" or "some men" what you are doing is allowing to men who don't actively engage in X behavior to walk away from the conversation. You are saying: you have no role in this, you can go. Of course not all men are sexist. But I think it's…
But when WOC call out "white feminism" they aren't necessarily calling out feminism. They are calling out a particular brand of feminism that is practiced by a particular subset of feminists (who are mostly white middle class ladies) that is not in any way inclusive of WOC, and in fact, is often exclusive. IMHO, the…
My hope is that this will be a good first step for white feminists to pause and go "Oh. Huh. When they say 'white feminists' they are not personally attacking me. Instead they are speaking to a broad cultural norm. If I don't do X, this doesn't apply to me. My feelings are not the most important thing happening in…
Your "LOL" is really contradicting your "not funny at all" there, buddy.
...the list of reasons why i won't identify as feminist.
Will you give me a heads up before you do? I'd like to catch it on film. I'll wear a crop top and hotpants, just to really bring everything together.
Absolutely. I do yoga, too, and I once wore a normal-t-shirt to the class. I spent the first 30 minutes trying to keep my shirt from falling over my head during down dog, before I finally left the class for a minute to tie it into knots. Was awful. If there's a ever a place where yoga pants are acceptable, it's at…
I mean, I just do regular mat pilates, and I struggle enough when I am wearing loose-fitting stuff, because trying to both hold a plank and keep my shirt from riding up my torso is not fun.
Right?! Like, if my yoga pants are seriously enough to waylay you from whatever other activities you were doing, you need to get some help. Like, I—and probably every woman I know—am able to notice an attractive man jogging past me in the street and not fall off the curb into oncoming traffic. I have no doubts that…
Oh, so you are me. I have geniunely considered getting a custom-made shirt that says "I am fine. That is just my face."
I, too, require the thrill of the Will-They/Won't-They (fall out and flap free) during Down Dog. If it's just relaxing why even bother?
I just. Wow. What?