Ginger, get the popcorn!

This is not meant to be rude, but are you a dude? Because I think every lady I know who works out at a gym has at least one story of a dude ogling her while she's just trying to get her fitness on. So I'd wager that either you haven't noticed it's happening, or maybe you live in some magical place we all need to move

I'm FB friends with a girl I was close to in high school but who went off the fundie deep end in college. She posted an article all about how Christian women shouldn't be wearing yoga pants because (a) it causes men to sin due to their overwhelming lust at the sight of a material-covered backside, and (b) women only

I have used this one and really like it. I need to ribcage/cup size for sports bras, because my boobs are big enough for a Large bra, but my ribcage is more of a S/M. I jog in the linked bra, and I don't need a second one, so that is super exciting for me, because wearing two bras is the actual worst.

Me too. I actually really love their sports bras. I only buy the "MAXIMUM SUPPORT" ones, so I'm sure the minimum support ones don't work for someone with big boobs. But I don't know why you'd buy anything other than maximum support if that was your situation (because it's mine, and I laugh at the bras that are

Some ladies really fucking hate VS. Other ladies really love VS. I think it is generally accepted that their bras aren't the very best ever on the market, but for those who don't want to drop $75-100 per bra, VS is a good middle ground. They do have excellent marketing. However, VS is SUPER shitty if you're an

That's how I read it, too. I totally get the outrage if you're looking at if from the other way (which rape culture would certainly pre-dispose us to do), but I was actually excited because I was like "YES! It totally is. Don't rape anyone, and rape will be 100% gone!"

The guidelines related to paps are a bit of a moving target (you probably only need one every 2-3 years), but you should get them regularly regardless of your risk. Your partner might have gotten HPV before becoming your partner, and—though none of us like to think of this—you can never be 100% certain that your

I only do it more frequently (I like that 4-5 wears is frequent) because I buy non-fancy jeans, so they start to lost their shape/fit/sag off my butt after a few wears and need to be washed/dryed into submission.

I am curious: does this mean you wash your pants/shorts after each wearing? Because I think I would be worried about hygiene if I went underwear-less but maintained my current wear-jeans-4-or-5-times-before-washing system.


I definitely think you're right. All of her interesting storylines came post-Sorkin (I loved the moment when CJ called Donna out in Season 5 when she tried to say that Josh has given her lots of opportunities). Her big storyline would definitely have been deciding whether to follow Josh to the Santos campaign or

West Wing actually had a pretty good episode all about this issue. President Bartlet was issuing pardons and pardoned some non-violence offenders who were in prison for years and years due to mandatory minimums. And Donna's storyline in that ep was tragic, and I think all together made a solid case against mandatory

But, having been educated at Cambridge and the Sorbonne he is, as you know, exceedingly stupid.


Oh, I will agree with that! But I think it is unfair to make breakfast, the best meal of the day, take repsonsibility for waffle taco. That is some fourthmeal shit masquerading as breakfast right there.

Waffle tacos do not count. They are not waffles, I feel.

Fine. I am willing to allow that Gogurt was worse. But that's it.

I think you are 100% right, especially about Donna. I still have mixed feelings about CJ as CoS, just because I think it's so implausible in real life that she would be chosen or that she'd actually want to do it, but I buy Donna's story arc. I've often wondered if she'd have been allowed to grow (and even leave Josh

I've always thought that CJ was a great character depsite Sorkin's treatment of her. I think it was basically just the sheer force of Allison Janey that made it happen (because, I mean, let me compose a sonnet for that woman).