Ginger, get the popcorn!

In fairness, DC townies hate all DC college students.

Oh my god, my dad made the mistake of showing me Heathers when I 10? I was too young to get it. The real kicker, though, was that it was maybe 6 months after Columbine when I watched it, and my mom is a teacher and my brother was in high school, so basically Heathers just scared the shit out of me and

Yeah, those "I'm a Libertarian" types were, I think, the worst of AU. We had very few right-wing conservatives on campus, so the majority of the students who weren't liberals (though liberals were most of the student body) were self-identified libertarians. And while I'm sure there are nice libertarians somewhere in

They've been threatening to do this for a while. I'm not sure what their plan for the girls would be, but they are opposed to educating girls. Much like the men who shot Malala, they just hate the idea of educated and empowered girls and women, and aren't above resorting to violence to stop it.

Unfortunately, EI parties are very well-attended despite their reputation. Or maybe because of it. AU is a dry campus, so off-campus frat parties are one of the only places freshman and sophomores are able to go drink (because obviously EI doesn't care about underage drinking or it's potential legal ramifications). I

I was happy to see that, too, though I wish she'd redacted the names of the girls the EI boys are talking about. It seems like they are either possible victims or at the very least only guilty of making the mistake of sleeping with an EI douchebro.

AU alum here! EI has been a problem for a LONG time. As Erin notes, they aren't an official frat or organization associated with AU, but I can say from experience that they have been allowed to basically wreak havoc un-checked for years. Part of the problem is that they all live off-campus and all parties are

I do too. But didn't they basically fire her a little while ago? Or am I getting my LadyAnchorsWhoILike mixed up?

You know, I have come to expect this bullshit from the anti-choice/anti-contraception crowd. Especially folks like Dolan. But here's what I want to know: why didn't the interviewer push back on this? Like, how hard is it to say "Actually, no, you cannot buy contraceptives—aside from condoms—at the 7-11. Did you know

No. The word "obtuse" exists outside of that film, actually.

Are you being willfully obtuse? I am talking about the Overprotective Father as an idea and a cultural concept. I am not speaking about this particular dad. I do, in fact, understand how human reproduction works.

It's what the fans have really been waiting for!

Koala hugs are the best hugs.

Yes, I did. I don't think acknowledging that his daughter could date girls really refutes my broader point, however.

The problem with your argument is that the Overprotective Father assumes that his daughter would never be in a consensual sexual relationship. I don't think anyone around here has a problem with that. If he's written a poem called "To the Boys who Catcall my Daughter" or "To the Guys who Might try to Sexually Assault

You entirely missed the point. But I'll bite at your comment anyway. I'll believe this doesn't have patriarchal roots the moment I see a father recite a poem warning all the girls his future son may date not to break his heart, too.

Your friend is wise. And I'm glad that asshole is your ex; good for you for managing to get out. Your daughter will be so much better for it (and obviously you too).

You know, I'm actually kind of fine with them eating me. I mean, I'll be dead, and if no one notices for a while, I don't want them to starve!

I'll share! You don't happen to have salsa, do you?