
Maybe they can fix it with an OTA update?

Causing more Saab Stories than actual Saab’s?

They are at fault somewhat as well though hard to tell what is their incompetence versus what they are forced to work with and expected to create from it.

Sounds more like it’s having a mid-cycle crisis. if the Cyber truck had looked like this, I wouldn’t be so harsh with it.

Because it’s different purely for the sake of being different, shifting disrupted.

Exotic car prices, exotic design flaws.  

windshield-mounted gear selector panel

I understand that you have your quarrels with Musk due to his political views. But actively campaigning for the downfall and cheering the failures of a company that employs tens of thousands of your fellow countrymen seems very childishly petty to me.

The pledge to go all-electric by 2028 comes as Maserati added a new EV to its lineup.”

Just wait until Temu starts clogging the local mailboxes with unsold EV’s. 

And your house’s square footage is...?

And the average British home’s is...?

I don’t think they had an incentive to release week to week. The show already had a major build in audience, and because they did, there’s LOTS of people who wait for a season to complete so that they CAN binge the show.

As much as I agree, a weekly release is better for culture and appreciation, I don’t think the

I just came here to say I love the show. I’m watching it slowly, but I totally agree that releasing all episodes at once limits the longevity of the cultural conversation. Other streamers are starting to understand this, like Disney+, Max, and Apple TV. For the sake of seeing more Fallout, I hope Amazon handles it

I think they should at least do like 2-3 every week because I think that would give us more time to discuss the show but also some people watch like 2 hours of TV at a time so it would allow them to fill that up with one show instead of needing like a playlist. That way you have like “fall out night”.

This is what I do. I’m going to watch at my own pace, but I’m waiting until it’s all available just in case.

Amazon elected to put out all eight episodes in one go, for reasons that aren’t entirely clear


It being good is all the more reason to get it all at once. The only ones who benefit from the artificial scarcity is the company waning/needing the subscription money.

Assuming they keep up the quality of the show, Fallout has a much better chance of having lasting cultural mass appeal than 3 Body. Slow burn alien invasion shows have been done to death over the years whereas Fallout is a fresh and entertaining post-apocalyptic show tells a compelling story while not taking itself

I disagree whole a certain degree. Basically it’s a case by case basis. Some shows that are released episodically are infuriating and painstakingly a chore to go through. The best example off the top of my head would be Grimm. It was good, but such a slog to get through on episodic weekly basis.