
I understand kids being attracted to these touch screens. A button on the windshield?? Um, No??

In many states, the lemon law is a joke.

Well,I have heard people mention that insurance on Teslas IS more expensive. I suppose the insurance companies need to know what they are insuring .

Who mentiomed Trump??

I just hope he has a better grade of recent kids out of school working for SpaceX 😧

That’s the dually!👍🤣

I think thats called growing  pains.

It does seem people are starting to figure out that there are some deficiencies in the current infrastructure. I can’t see the infrastructure supporting more than 15% EVs anytime soon.

I still find it confusing.

I’ve binged Fallout twice already. Once alone and once with family members. It was a joy both instances . Wouldn’t have been able to do that with a weekly release.

3 out of 5 stories in my news feed are about Fallout! I think the media and websites are hyping it just fine.

I don’t really care much HOW the streamers release episodes, (unless it collides with the end of an annual subscription that I don’t plan to renew, like D+).

I set aside a block of time and prefer to watch

Many people are shopping max range right now and 20 or 30 miles can make a difference.

We love Been buying all of our tires there for years. The reviews are very helpful and have saved us from buying noisy tires.

Unemployment typically requires a 1 week waiting period. They wouldn’t typically collect any unemployment money in a situation like this.

In the construction industry, this is referred to as a FULOUGH. Not sure why they want to call it a temporary layoff, maybe it gets more clicks..

I prefer to just pick a weekend when I can binge watch a show. I suppose I don’t put the epic emphasis on shows that I used to. In the end, it’s just a show.

No site on the internet seems to bother with proofreading anymore. They all rely on AI.

Not ever really, aside from occasional blips.

Many of the larger rental Companies are self-insured.

It's 10%